Page 7 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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of students, from graduating
seniors to current students
feel that Higher Education is
Experiences have varied greatly, a range of solutions is needed
Resources and References
“We became aware as most
campuses did some years ago Surveys:
that many of our students have Active Minds Student Survey
real food insecurity. So we Brightspot Survey May 2020
71% of college students surveyed 67% of college students 67% of college students opened the food pantry, and Brightspot/WeWork Student
worried that they would said they would need report higher stress than usual
struggle to pay non-tuition- more academic support now many campuses have that. Survey
related bills in the coming year when they return to school Maybe, the campus needs to be New America “One year Later”
more like a community center Survey
where students and alumni can
come anytime and use the food
pantry or avail themselves of an Articles:
open classroom or something. University of California Economic
A Range of Impacts New Student Needs I can see the need for that. For Impact Report
some of our students, it is the “From March to October 2020, the
We interviewed students and faculty to Meanwhile, campuses have been faced Students have new and heightened needs. first time they have been away latest data available at the time
capture their personal stories about how with unexpected expenses to upgrade They need better access to support. from home; it is the first time of this writing, lost revenue and
the Pandemic has impacted them. While it existing buildings to allow for distancing, Beyond financial constraints, students have they have really been in an new costs associated with COVID
was clear that individual impacts varied and improved ventilation, and robust cleaning struggled over the past year with academic environment where they are on totaled $2.7 billion for UC campuses
depended on unique context, there were protocols. They have had to rapidly invest support, connecting with faculty, forming their own and had to live by their and academic health centers.”
unifying themes that could have lasting in technology and staff for online learning peer study groups, and finding counseling means.”
impacts in the years ahead. and support. And, many have seen a drop in and mental health support. We heard from Covid-19’s Forceful Financial Hit: A
enrollment and retention, a critical funding many students about feeling more and more Survey of Business Officers
source. disillusioned as the semester progressed, - Karen Fiene, Campus Architect “About a quarter of business officers
Economic Impacts unable to focus on work because of stress, and Director of Facilities, Mills said they believed their institution
While the challenges are great, they provide and finding it challenging to get the support College could “ride out the current
There have been many economic pressures opportunities to re-prioritize funds to better they needed to get back on track. difficulties and return to more or
for students over the past year: increased serve students and universities in the years less normal operations” within two
costs for online learning, unexpected ahead. Some institutions have found ways A study by found that 80% years, while nearly half said their
costs for relocation, job loss, and food to reduce their tuition, including Mills of students reported that their mental health institution “should use this period
insecurity. Studies find that student parents, College, William’s College, Princeton, and was negatively impacted over the previous to make difficult but transformative
transfer students, and students of color are Georgetown. A shift to online learning has year. Universities have an opportunity changes in its core structure and
disproportionately impacted; in a recent increased universities’ ability to offer non- to provide a range of support services to operations” in the interest of long-
survey by, nearly 71% of synchronous courses to a wide range of students to help bridge academic and social term sustainability.”
students reported being worried about students, nationally and internationally, gaps. With learning opportunities extending
paying non-education-related bills. That without the cost of living expenses near well beyond the classroom walls, new and How Colleges and Universities Can
number increases to 91% for caregiving or on campus. This led to an increase in creative space use across campus can better Better Adapt | Brightspot Strategy
students. enrollment for some universities. With many support emerging needs. “Many are realizing that facing
Online learning has made access to campus buildings sitting vacant over the a public health crisis, a financial
technology, computers, and a reliable past year, some institutions are considering crisis, and a racial justice crisis
wireless network a necessity. Students leasing or selling some of their buildings, simultaneously is a marathon, not a
without access were left behind. While creating opportunities for public-private sprint. Faculty, staff, and students
these issues existed on campuses before partnerships or community use. did an admirable job adapting this
the Pandemic, they have been revealed and spring, but changes are going to
amplified in the past year. keep coming.”