Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review, January 7, 2022
P. 2
A look at the ups and downs of 2021
by Stuart Ibberson nation and the world. A new commander for the Air Force Test Center
editor at Edwards arrived in July; Lockheed Martin unveiled a new intelligent,
flexible factory in Palmdale; Northrop Grumman in Palmdale continued Services
When the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31, 2020, most were convinced to produce the MQ-4C Triton for Australia; Edwards AFB hosted a major
that the New Year would be better than the old. virtual STEM event for schools in the area; a new administration brought How to contact
After almost a year of COVID-19, lockdowns, teleworking, and remote new leadership to the Defense Department; and the last U.S. troops left Aerotech News and Review
school, two new vaccines had received emergency use authorization, and • E-Mail:
people were lining up to get vaccinated in the hope their lives could return Afghanistan after 19 years. • Phone: (661) 945-5634
to normality. However, a feeling of déjà vu hit us all in December as cases of COVID-19 • Fax: (661) 723-7757
Vaccines became widely available on military installations around the again started to rise again, with the new omicron variant prevalent, and • Website:
world, stop movement orders were lifted, and life slowly got back to some Edwards moved to Health Protection Condition Bravo+.
semblance of normal. In this special issue of Aerotech News and Review, we take a look back
Despite COVID, there was much going on in the Aerospace Valley, the at 2021. Advertising
2021 Corporate Headquarters:
(877) 247-9288
Jan. 14 — STARBASE Edwards distributed Feb. 16 — An F-16 assigned to the 416th Flight again. 0099 is set to become the Edwards Aircraft Email:
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Test Squadron flew a successful drop test was in Ground Integration Lab, or EAGIL. “EAGIL will Subscriber Services
Math) kits to the Palmdale Aerospace Academy support of the Korea F-16 Update Program. The be a non-flyable aircraft that will be used as an Subscriptions to Aerotech News
in Palmdale, Calif. STARBASE Edwards part- ROKAF currently operates 133 KF-16C/D Block integration lab for future upgrades,” said Ste- and Review are $59 for six
nered with NASA and the Museum of Arts and 50/52 fighter aircraft, all of which will undergo phen Salas, B-1 Platform Lead, Global Power months or $89 for one year. For
History (MOAH-Lancaster) to create a total of extensive modernization and upgrades as part of Bombers Combined Test Force. “We plan to do more information, contact the
eight lessons while the Lockheed Martin Corpo- the comprehensive improvement program. Lock- avionics software, weapon and hardware testing, subscription department at:
ration donated the grant to purchase supplies for heed Martin was awarded a $1.2 billion contract new equipment fit checks, prototyping efforts (661) 945-5634
1,500 STEM kits to community youths in Title 1 to retrofit the 133 KF-16s and upgrade them to the and EAGIL will be used to support weapon load
schools in Palmdale and Lancaster. The kits are advanced F-16V configuration, which is the latest training, egress training, as well as aircraft famil-
designed to expose school-aged children to STEM technologically and most advanced version of the iarization for new personnel.” Story ideas, letters, editorials
and the various possible careers in the field and fourth generation fighter jet. March 2-3 — Orange Flag, the large force Please send all letters and editorials to
within the Antelope Valley. The Antelope Valley Feb. 11 — The 412th Test Wing hosted a cer- test event carried out three times annually by the Stuart A. Ibberson, editor,
is sometimes referred to as Aerospace Valley due emony for 17 Airmen who have transferred as 412th Test Wing, combined with the 53rd Wing’s at
to the role it has played in historic aviation firsts Guardians in the Space Force at Edwards Air Black Flag, bringing a first for the test community
and technology breakthroughs. Force Base, Calif. The Airmen were assigned to March 2-4. Both central to achieving Joint All-
Domain Command and Control, the two test capa-
Jan. 16 — The 412th Medical Group at Ed- the 412th TW as well as those assigned to dif-
ferent mission partners stationed bilities combined their mission planning processes Web Site
at Edwards AFB. The ceremony and streamlined test objective synthesis. Test ex- Access the Aerotech News web
took place in front of the histor- ecution took place during two separate Orange site at
ic Hangar 4305 where the first Flag and one Black Flag events. The rationale of Submissions for upcoming events, air
U.S. jet aircraft, the Bell P-59 combining the planning process is simple: Orange shows and museums
Airacomet, was assembled and Flag focuses on technical integration and inno- should be emailed to
housed during developmental vation across a breadth of Technology Readiness
flight tests. Levels, Black Flag focuses on the tactical integra- For questions concerning the web site,
Feb. 17 — Two HH-60 “Jolly tion of more mature technologies. This iteration of contact the webmaster at
Green II” combat rescue helicop- Orange Flag focused on two primary objectives:
ters arrived at Edwards Air Force kill web integration and advanced survivability.
Base from Eglin AFB, Fla., to Kill web integration included Army, Navy, Marine
conduct flight test operations. Corps, Air Force, and Space Force sensors and
Built by Sikorsky, a Lockheed tactical networks, as well as legacy and emerging Where you can get
Martin company, the Jolly Green JADC2 nodes. Aerotech News and Review
II completed testing on April 13. March 30-April 1 — Air Force Chief of Staff For information on
Air Force photograph by Matthew Williams The first production Jolly Green Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., and his wife, Sharene Aerotech distribution, call
James Hutson, Air Force Plant 42 Fire Chief, receives the II was delivered to the Air Force Brown, visited Edwards AFB March 30-April 1. (661) 945-5634 or visit
COVID-19 vaccine at the Airmen and Family Readiness Center Brown met the Airmen, civilians and family mem-
on Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Jan. 16, 2021. on May 18.
Feb. 18 — The Air Force Test bers of Team Edwards and the 412th Test Wing.
Center broke ground on a 72,000 The wing oversees base day-to-day operations and
wards Air Force Base received and started admin- square foot. Joint Simula- provides support for over 10,000 military, federal Aerotech News and Review is published
istering the COVID-19 vaccine. Initially restrict- tion Environment facility at every other Friday, serving the
ed to health care providers, health care support, Edwards during a ceremony aerospace and defense industry of
and emergency and safety personnel within the organized by the 412th Elec- Southern California, Nevada and
412th Test Wing at Edwards and Air Force Plant tronic Warfare Group. The fa- Arizona. News and ad copy deadline
42. As more vaccine doses arrived, and DOD cility is projected to bring 50 is noon on the Tuesday prior to
guidelines changed, the 412th MDG expanded jobs to the base in the fields publication. The publisher assumes no
eligibility to more personnel so that by year’s of computer science, engi- responsibility for error in ads other
end, anyone who wanted a vaccine could get one. neering, cyber security, elec- than space used. Your comments are
tronic-engineering technolo-
Jan. 17 — Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne rocket gies, and logistics. The $34.4 welcomed and encouraged. Write to
reached space during the company’s second million project will provide a the address below.
launch demonstration, successfully deploying 10 state-of-the-art modeling and
payloads for NASA’s Launch Services Program. simulation environment to
For the picture-perfect mission, Virgin Orbit’s car- conduct fifth-generation and • Publisher ....................Paul Kinison
rier aircraft, a customized 747-400 dubbed Cos- next-generation developmen- • Business Manager ....... Lisa Kinison
mic Girl, took off from Mojave Air and Space tal test, operational test, and • Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
• National Advertising
Port at approximately 10:50 a.m. and flew out to a high-end advanced training Air Force photograph by May Straight Manager .....................Paul Kinison
launch site over the Pacific Ocean, about 50 miles and tactics development for A recently retired B-1B Lancer, tail number 86-0099, lands at
Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 23. The aircraft will
south of the Channel Islands. After a smooth re- the warfighter. become the Edwards Aircraft Ground Integration Lab, or EAGIL,
lease from the aircraft, the two-stage rocket ignit- Feb. 23 — A recently re- a non-flyable aircraft that will be used as an integration lab for
ed and powered itself to orbit. At the conclusion tired B-1B Lancer flew its future upgrades. Aerotech News and Review
of the flight, the LauncherOne rocket deployed final sortie and landed at Ed- e-mail:
10 CubeSats into the team’s precise target orbit, wards AFB. The aircraft, tail Visit our web site at
marking a major step forward for Virgin Orbit in number 86-0099, was one of the 17 Lancers to be
its quest to bust down the barriers preventing af- retired by the Air Force. However, this particular
fordable and responsive access to space. aircraft will continue to serve despite never flying See 2021, Page 3
Aerotech News and Review
2 ........ January 7, 2022