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2021, from 2
          civilian and contract personnel assigned to a 481-square mile in-  Launch Copmlex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.   ics and pilot displays.
          stallation. Brown explained that during his time in service, he has   Falcon 9 launched the Dragon. The Dragon spacecraft was launched   “Project Hydra marks the first time that bi-directional communi-
          personally seen first-hand the technological advancements that were   atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 reusable, two-stage rocket. On April 24,   cations were established between 5th Generation aircraft in-flight
          tested at Edwards.                                the Dragon docked with the International Space Station. This is   while also sharing operational and sensor data down to ground
           April 6 — The U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School graduated the                                       operators for real-time capability,” said Jeff Babione, vice presi-
          first-ever Space Test Fundamentals class at Edwards. Fifteen en-                                    dent and general manager, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works®. “This
          listed, officer, civilian Airmen and Guardians represent the first                                  next-level connectivity reduces the data-to-decision timeline from
          class dedicated to testing within the newly contested domain of                                     minutes to seconds, which is critical in fighting today’s adversaries
          Space.  The course enables the USSF to enhance its test and evalu-                                  and advanced threats.”
          ation mission and multiply its ability to deliver combat-ready space                                  May 5 — Gen. Timothy Ray, the commander of Air Force Glob-
          forces. Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, the U.S. Space Force chief                                      al Strike Command and Air Forces Strategic-Air, U.S. Strategic
          of space operations, was on-hand to give the graduation address.                                    Command, visited several organizations across the bomber test
           April 8 — The Air Force released its new mission statement: To                                     enterprise to receive first-hand updates on the progress of the B-21
          fly, fight, and win … Airpower anytime, anywhere. This change                                       program during a visit to Edwards Air Force Base and Plant 42, in
          emphasizes the primary competitive advantage and capabilities that                                  California, May 5-6.
          Airpower provides to the nation and joint operations.                                                 His first stop was at Edwards AFB, where he met with the 419th
            The ability to fight and win with airpower is key to facing emerg-                                Flight Test Squadron, Global Power Bomber Combined Test Force.
          ing competitors and near-peer adversaries, according to service                                     He was updated on the organization’s continued efforts to test up-
          leaders. “As we developed this new mission statement, we con-                          SpaceX screenshot  grades to the B-2 Spirit in order to modernize the B-2 and integrate
          sulted Airmen from across the entire spectrum – enlisted, officers,   SpaceX’s Crew-2 mission launchedApril 23 from historic Launch   future weapons systems.
          reservists, guardsmen and civilians,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.   Copmlex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Falcon   He then visited the 420th Flight Test Squadron, B-21 CTF. Ray
          Charles Q. Brown, Jr. said.                       9 launched the Dragon. The Dragon spacecraft was launched   was briefed on the construct for the Combined Test Force and the
            Since the domain of space falls under the Space Force, the Air   atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 reusable, two-stage rocket. On April 24,   benefits it will bring to bear for the B-21 program. The B-21 CTF
                                                            the Dragon docked with the International Space Station.
          Force can now focus solely on airpower and maintain a sustained                                     is an integrated team of test professionals from Northrop Grum-
          focus on core air domain missions.                                                                  man, 420th FLTS and Detachment 5, Air Force Operational Test
            With a Total Force of more than 689,000, Airmen work to sup-                                      and Evaluation Center. The B-21 CTF provided a comprehensive
          port all aspects of airpower, which includes five core missions: air   the first human spaceflight mission to fly astronauts on a flight-  update on the team’s readiness to support the B-21 program when
          superiority; global strike; rapid global mobility; intelligence, sur-  proven Falcon 9 and Dragon. The Falcon 9 first stage supporting   it transitions into flight test.
          veillance and reconnaissance; and command and control. Airpower   this mission previously launched the Crew-1 mission in November   On the following day, Ray visited the Northrop Grumman fa-
          also requires people and resources dedicated to unit readiness, base   2020, and the Dragon spacecraft previously flew Robert Behnk-  cilities at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, and saw the
          infrastructure and talent management.             en and Douglas Hurley to and from the International Space Station   significant progress made on the build of the first flight test aircraft
            April 8 — The Edwards Air Force Base Civilian/Military Sup-  during SpaceX’s Demo-2 mission in 2020. As part of the Commer-  that will one day make its way to Edwards AFB for flight testing.
          port Group announced at their monthly board meeting on April 8   cial Crew Program, NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan   Northrop Grumman personnel updated Ray on build progress and
          that the organization has made a donation of funds towards the first   McArthur, Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Aki-  the value of building those test articles using the same production
          phase of upgrades at the Edwards AFB Airman Leadership School.   hiko Hoshide, and European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pes-  line, tooling and procedures that will manufacture the final produc-
          The project, which is expected to take two months to complete,   quet flew aboard the Dragon spacecraft on its second operational   tion aircraft.
          began in March and will consist of a student resource space in one   mission to the space station. This was the first time Dragon flew two   May 20 — A B-1B Lancer was rolled into the Benefield Anecho-
          of the buildings on the ALS campus and an instructor room, which,   international partners and also the first time two Crew Dragons are   ic Facility at Edwards. The aircraft will undergo testing of a portion
          according to Staff Sgt. Nicholas Covello, an instructor at the ALS, is   attached simultaneously to the orbiting laboratory.  of the B-1B Defensive Software suite, Pre-processor Flight Soft-
          “something we haven’t had in at least 10 years.” The resource cen-  April 29 — Stratolaunch LLC, whose mission is to advance high-  ware (PFS) 6.42. “We’re going to look at the AN/ALQ-161A and
          ter will allow for a more comfortable learning environment where   speed technology through innovative design, manufacturing, and   its response to various threat signals,” said Capt. Shawn Whitney,
          students can work on their studies both individually and as a team   operation of world-class aerospace vehicles, successfully completed   who serves as the B-1B PFS 6.42 project test lead for the Global
          while the instructor room will serve as a much needed work space   the second flight of the world’s largest aircraft by wingspan. The
          for the ALS instructors. Civ/Mil’s donation will support the cost   385-feet wingspan aircraft flew for 3 hours, 14 minutes over the
          of the project to include paint, fixtures, furniture and electronics.
            April 14 — President Joe Biden announced his decision to with-
          draw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, bringing to an end America’s
          longest war.  Biden said he would withdraw troops ahead of Sept.
          11, the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
            April 16 — Northrop Grumman successfully completed the first
          flight of Japan’s RQ-4B Global Hawk from Palmdale, Calif. With
          an unmatched combination of range, endurance, and payload capa-
          bility, Global Hawk is the only platform that provides greater data
          collection flexibility than space or medium-altitude assets. “The

                                                                                              Stratolaunch photograph             Air Force photograph by 1st Lt. Christine Saunders
                                                            April 29 — Stratolaunch LLC successfully completed the second   Ground crews move a B-1B Lancer into position at the Benefield
                                                            flight of the world’s largest aircraft by wingspan.   Anechoic Facility at Edwards AFB. The Lancer, from the 337th
                                                                                                              Test and Evaluation Squadron, 53rd Wing, out of Dyess Air Force
                                                                                                              Base, Texas, will be used to conduct testing of PFS 6.42.
                                                            Mojave Desert and reached an altitude of 14,000 feet. As part of
                                                            this latest flight, pilots further prepared the carrier aircraft to sup-
                                                            port launches of its upcoming hypersonic testbed vehicle, Talon-A.   Power Bomber Combined Test Force. The aircraft used for the test
                                                            Initial results from that day’s test points include:    is a B-1B Lancer from the 337th Test and Evaluation Squadron,
                                                              • Confirmation of the aircraft’s performance and handling char-  53rd Wing, out of Dyess Air Force Base, Texas. It will be in the
                                                            acteristics                                       BAF for approximately two weeks Whitney said.
                                                              • Continued demonstration of the aircraft’s capability, including   May 31 — Memorial Day!
                                                            its payload capacity                               • Traditional solemnity and formal military precision were ac-
                                                              • Validation of the enhancements added to the Carrier Aircraft,   companied and enhanced by a new and expanded perspective on
                                         Northrop Grumman photograph  including pressurization, gear doors, and robustness to the safety
          April 16 — Northrop Grumman successfully completed the first   systems                              honoring and remembering America’s war dead this Memorial Day
                                                                                                              morning in ceremonies at the Palmdale’s Poncitlán Square Gazebo.
          flight of Japan’s RQ-4B Global Hawk from Palmdale, Calif.
                                                              May 3 — Lockheed Martin Skunk Works®, the Missile Defense   • Memorial Day 2021 at Lancaster Cemetery was a welcome
                                                            Agency and the U.S. Air Force successfully linked a U-2, five F-  return to a bit of normalcy, as the tradition of remembering the
          unarmed RQ-4B Global Hawk will provide Japan with on-demand   35s and an F-22 in air and provided real-time 5th Generation data   fallen in service to country was welcomed back by a large gathering
          intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information support-  to operators on the ground, introducing greater mission flexibility   of local citizens and military folks that spanned many generations.
          ing the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s missions of protecting bor-  across domains and an enhanced total operational picture for the   • This year the East Kern Cemetery District and the Mojave
          ders, monitoring threats and providing humanitarian assistance in   joint warfighter. Named Project Hydra, the latest flight test lever-  Transportation Museum Foundation joined together to organize
          times of need,” said Jane Bishop, vice president and general man-  aged an Open Systems Gateway payload aboard the U-2 to connect   the Memorial Day Ceremony.
          ager, autonomous systems, Northrop Grumman. “This successful   an F-22 to five F-35s via native Intra-Flight Data Link and Multi-  At 11 a.m., May 31, everyone noticed an aircraft coming towards
          first flight is a significant milestone in delivering Global Hawk to   function Advanced Data Link, successfully sharing data between   the cemetery from Mojave Air and Space Port. It was a World War
          our Japanese allies.”                             all airborne aircraft and with nodes on the ground. The target tracks   II trainer aircraft, a North American T-6. Nothing sounds like a T-6
            April 23 — SpaceX’s Crew-2 mission launched from historic   were also transmitted by and through the U-2 into the fighter avion-  See 2021, Page 4

          January 7, 2022                                        Aerotech News and Review                                                                   3
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