Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, January 7, 2022
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2021, from 5
     Aug. 20 — The Air Force Test Pilot School graduated the latest   goner was a life member. On Sept. 12, 1966, while flying   the world of STEM.
   class of Space Test Fundamentals professionals during a ceremony   his 25th combat mission over North Vietnam, Waggoner’s   Oct. 26 — The Skyborg team conducted a multi-hour
   at the Edwards’ base theater. STF Class 21-2 finished a three-month   aircraft was hit by hostile fire forcing him to eject over en-  flight test on October 26 of the Skyborg autonomy core
   long course and dubbed themselves the first “production” class in   emy territory. Due to a lack of communications over their   system aboard two General Atomics MQ-20 Avenger tacti-
   reference to an aircraft’s development and procurement cycle with   target and no friendly eyewitnesses to his aircraft having   cal unmanned vehicles during the Orange Flag 21-3 Large
   STF Class 21-1 as the “prototype.”                been shot down, Waggoner was listed as missing in action   Force Test Event at Edwards. Skyborg is focused on dem-
     “We are excited to continue to develop and evolve the course to   for two years before his fate as a POW was confirmed. Wag-  onstrating an open, modular, government-owned ACS that
   meet the United States Space Force’s needs to produce adaptive,                                     can autonomously aviate, navigate, and communicate, and
   critical-thinking test professionals to conduct full-spectrum test and                              eventually integrate other advanced capabilities. This ex-
   evaluation of space weapons systems,” said Col. Sebrina Pabon,                                      perimentation event built upon the basic flight autonomy
   Test Pilot School commandant. The three-month program leverages                                     behaviors demonstrated at OF 21-2. The flight demonstrated
   world-class USAF TPS expertise and is designed to provide hands-
   on training in flight-test fundamentals, systems test, space science                                matured capabilities of the ACS that enabled two MQ-20s
   application, advanced space system test and evaluation, and broad                                   to fly autonomously while communicating with each other
   exposure to the foremost centers of space operations and testing.                                   to ensure coordinated flight.  Additionally, the aircraft re-
     Aug. 24 — Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III issued a                                       sponded to navigational commands, stayed within specified
   memorandum directing mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for                                            geo-fences, and maintained flight envelopes.  Both aircraft
   service members. On Aug. 23, the FDA gave full approval to the                                      were monitored from a ground command and control station.
   Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older.                                    Nov. 11 – People from all over the area honored veterans
   Before Aug. 23, the vaccine was available for use through an FDA                                    during Veterans Day ceremonies in Mojave, Lancaster and
   emergency use authorization.                                                                        Palmdale.
     Aug. 30 — The last U.S. service member departed Afghanistan.                                        Nov. 8 — After 199 days in space, the longest-duration
   Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, commander of the U.S. Army 82nd Air-                                       mission for a U.S. spacecraft, Dragon and the Crew-2 as-
   borne Division, XVIII Airborne Corps, boarded a C-17 cargo plane                  Photograph by Adrienne King  tronauts, Shane Kimbrough, Megan McArthur, Akihiko
   at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.   An American flag is suspended from the extended ladders of   Hoshide, and Thomas Pesquet, returned to Earth, splashing
   Donahue’s  departure closes the U.S. mission to evacuate American   Station 24 ladder trucks near the Fallen Heroes’ Memorial at the   down off the coast of Pensacola, Fla., at 10:33 p.m., EST, on
   citizens, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa applicants, and vulnerable   Antelope Valley Mall to mark the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11   November 8. Dragon and the Crew-2 astronauts were quickly
   Afghans.                                          terrorist attacks.                                recovered by the SpaceX recovery team. SpaceX transported
     Sept. 2 — The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration                                                Dragon back to Cape Canaveral, Florida for inspections and
   (FAA) barred Virgin Galactic from flying its SpaceShipT-                                            refurbishment ahead of future human spaceflight missions.
   wo until the agency approves its final mishap investigation   goner was captured by the North Vietnamese and taken to   This mission marked multiple firsts for SpaceX and NASA’s
   report from its July flight or determines the issues do not   the Hỏa Lò prison in Hanoi, North Vietnam which was given   Commercial Crew Program, including being the first to fly
   affect public safety.                             the nickname of “Hanoi Hilton” by the POW’s held there   two international partners, the first crew mission to use a
     The FAA confirmed on Wednesday it was investigating a   during the Vietnam War.
   deviation in the descent of the flight of the Virgin Galactic   Oct. 2 — The Vanilla unmanned aircraft system completed   flight-proven Dragon and Falcon 9, and the first U.S. space-
   rocket plane that carried British billionaire Richard Branson   a record-setting flight of 8 days, 50 minutes, and 47 seconds,   craft to spend 199 consecutive days in orbit.
                                                     and 12,200 miles of continuous flight, at Edwards AFB.   Dec. 11 — Blue Origin successfully completed the third
                                                     The aircraft broke the world record for unrefueled, internal   human spaceflight — the first with six astronauts on board.
                                                     combustion endurance of an unmanned aircraft. Vanilla Un-  The astronaut manifest included, Laura Shepard Churchley
                                                     manned is a prototype aircraft designed to meet a cost-effec-  (daughter of Alan Shepard), Michael Strahan, Evan Dick,
                                                     tive, airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance   Dylan Taylor, Cameron Bess, and Lane Bess.
                                                     demand. The aircraft was created by Platform Aerospace, a   Dec. 16 — Northrop Grumman recently completed a
                                                     small business based out of Hollywood, Maryland. Platform   significant milestone in the production of Australia’s first
                                                     Aerospace partnered with the 412th Test Wing’s Emerging   MQ-4C Triton high-altitude, long-endurance aircraft when
                                                     Technologies Combined Test Force (ET-CTF) to launch the   the aircraft fuselage was mounted onto Triton’s unique one-
                                                     aircraft from the Rogers Dry Lakebed, Sept. 24.   piece wing. Once completed and delivered, Triton’s powerful
                                                                                                       payload and endurance will provide the Royal Australian Air
                                                                                                       Force with the ability to detect and analyze threats that were
                                                                                                       previously undetectable. Northrop Grumman is building the
                                                                                                       Triton at its facility in Palmdale, Calif.
                                                                                                         Dec. 17 — Northrop Grumman recognized 24 small busi-
                                                                                                       nesses with with World Class Team awards for their out-
                                                                                                       standing performance in support of the company’s cost, per-
                                                                                                       formance and supplier diversity objectives. “We are pleased
                                         Army photograph                                               to recognize some of our small business suppliers who per-
   After 19 years of war, Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, commander of the                                    formed superbly and demonstrated resiliency in spite of the
   U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division, XVIII Airborne Corps, boarded
   a C-17 cargo plane Aug. 30 at the Hamid Karzai International                                        challenges we faced,” said Patricia McMahon, vice presi-
   Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, and became the last U.S. service                                     dent, corporate supply chain, Northrop Grumman. “These
   member to leave. Donahue’s  departure closes the U.S. mission                Air Force photograph by Bryce Bennett  dedicated companies helped to strengthen our supply chain
   to evacuate American citizens, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa   The Vanilla unmanned aircraft system completed a record-setting   and contributed to our collective success.” One of the 24,
   applicants, and vulnerable Afghans.               flight of 8 days, 50 minutes, and 47 seconds, and 12,200 miles of   Aero Bending Company, is based in Palmdale, Calif.
                                                     continuous flight, at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Oct 2. The   Dec. 18 — The holidays are a time of remembrance, and
                                                     aircraft broke the world record for unrefueled, internal combustion   on a frosty Saturday morning, more than 150 volunteers paid
   to the edge of space on July 11.                  endurance of an unmanned aircraft and was launched from   tribute to the area’s veterans interred at Lancaster Cemetery.
     The FAA, responsible for protecting the public during   Rogers Dry Lakebed on Sept. 24.           Fresh wreaths with red velvet ribbons were placed on the
   commercial space transportation launch and reentry, said                                            graves for the 12th year, as part of Wreaths Across America.
   “SpaceShipTwo deviated from its Air Traffic Control clear-                                          Wreaths Across America is a national organization dedicated
   ance as it returned to Spaceport America” in New Mexico.  Oct. 13 — Blue Origin successfully completed its second   to “Remember, Honor and Teach,” by laying holiday wreaths
     “Virgin Galactic may not return the SpaceShipTwo vehicle   human spaceflight on board New Shepard on Oct. 13, 2021.   on veterans’ graves the third Saturday each December, at
   to flight until the FAA approves the final mishap investiga-  The flight included four astronauts, Dr. Chris Boshuizen,   Arlington National Cemetery and “at more than 2,500 ad-
   tion report or determines the issues related to the mishap do   Glen de Vries, Audrey Powers, and William Shatner, as   ditional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad,”
   not affect public safety,” the agency said.       well as thousands of postcards from Blue Origin’s founda-  according to their website.
     FAA cleared Virgin Galactic to return to flight on Sept. 29.  tion, Club for the Future.            After the flag salute, and a moment of silence, Dayle De-
     Sept. 11 — American’s across the world marked the 20th   Oct. 18-22 — Students in the Antelope Valley studied with
   anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Locally, a multi-agency cer-  STEM professional when the 412th Test Wing hosted a series   Bry, Antelope Valley Cemetery district manager told the 100
   emony was held at the Antelope Valley Mall in Palmdale.  of virtual presentations designed to showcase the world of   or so volunteers: “We are all proud to be Americans who live
     Sept. 12 — T-38 Talons from the 416th Flight Test Squad-  possibilities available to the youth through their study of   in a free society made up of many people, from many walks
   ron performed a flyover in Bishop, Calif. The flyover was to   science, technology, engineering, and math. The 2021 Vir-  of life. The freedoms we enjoy today have not come without
   honor retired Air Force Col. Robert F. Waggoner at a memo-  tual STEM event allowed students to connect directly online   a price. Lying here before us and in cemeteries throughout
   rial service. Waggoner passed away June 21. More than 100   with engineers and others with STEM backgrounds, who   the nation are men and women who gave their lives so that
   family and friends gathered at the Tri-County Fairgrounds   have parlayed their schooling and knowledge into success-  we can live in freedom without fear.”
   in Bishop to honor the memory of the a former Hanoi Hilton   ful careers on the cutting edge of aerospace tests.  Helida
   prisoner of war. The memorial service was organized by   Vanhoy, 412th Test Wing STEM coordinator, enlisted the   Editor’s note: For more 2021 Year in Review, including
   local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8988, of which Wag-  help of volunteers to talk about their unique experiences in   photographs, visit
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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