Page 5 - Aerotech News and Review, January 7, 2022
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2021, from 4
2916th Aviation Battalion, 916th Support Brigade, from nearby first-time events as the program continues to track toward fielding
Fort Irwin. Also Known as “Desert Dustoff,” C Company is tasked a hypersonic capability in the early 2020s. Objectives for the test
with providing air medevac support for the National Training Cen- included demonstrating the safe release of the booster test vehicle
ter, where Army brigades train for combat in the austere Mojave from the B 52H and assessing booster performance. An Edwards
desert environment. AFB B-52 released the ARRW test missile, dubbed Booster Test
July 20 — Blue Origin successfully completed New Shepa- Vehicle 1b or BTV-1b, over Point Mugu Sea Range.
rd’s first human flight with four private citizens onboard. The crew The missile cleanly separated from the aircraft and successfully
included Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk and Oliver Daemen, demonstrated the full release sequence including GPS acquisition,
who all officially became astronauts when they passed the Kár- umbilical disconnect and power transfer from the aircraft to the mis-
mán Line, the internationally recognized boundary of space. Upon sile. The missile also demonstrated fin operation and de-confliction
landing, the astronauts were greeted by their families and Blue Ori- maneuvers which ensures a safe operation for the aircrew.
gin’s ground operations team for a celebration in the West Texas Following the safe separation maneuvers, the rocket motor did
desert. not ignite. The ARRW team continues to progress through the rapid
Virgin Galactic photograph • Wally Funk, 82, became the oldest person to fly in space. prototyping effort with a steadfast commitment to the well-being
Sir Richard Branson esperiences weightlessness during VSS • Oliver Daemen, 18, was the first ever commercial astronaut to of Airmen and equipment, striking a balance between prudent risk
Unity’s 22nd test flight, and the first with a full crew in the cabin. and rapid advancement of the program.
purchase a ticket and fly to space on a privately-funded and licensed Aug. 10 — Lockheed Martin has completed construction of an
space vehicle from a private launch site. He also became the young-
The mission specialists in the cabin were Beth Moses, Chief As- advanced manufacturing facility at its Palmdale, Calif., campus and
tronaut Instructor; Colin Bennett, Lead Flight Operations Engineer; est person to fly in space. headquarters of the Skunk Works®. The 215,000 square foot intel-
Sirisha Bandla, Vice President of Government Affairs and Research • New Shepard became the first commercial vehicle under a sub- ligent, flexible factory has digital foundations to incorporate smart
Operations; and the Company’s founder, Sir Richard Branson. The orbital reusable launch vehicle license to fly paying customers, both manufacturing components, embrace the Internet of Things and
VSS Unity pilots were Dave Mackay and Michael Masucci, while payloads and astronauts, to space and back. deliver cutting edge solutions rapidly and affordably to support the
Kelly Latimer and CJ Sturckow piloted VMS Eve. • Jeff and Mark Bezos became the first siblings to ever fly in United States and its allies. This is one of four transformational
July 15 — Maj. Gen. Evan C. Dertien assumed command of the space together. manufacturing facilities Lockheed Martin is opening in the U.S.
Air Force Test Center during a ceremony held July 15, 2021, in July 28 — The Air Force conducted its second AGM-183A Air- this year.
Hangar 1600 at Edwards AFB. Dertien takes the reins from Maj. launched Rapid Response Weapon booster flight test July 28. While This new building incorporates all three of Lockheed Martin’s
Gen. Christopher P. Azzano who has commanded the AFTC for it did not meet all flight objectives, the test demonstrated several advanced production priorities: an intelligent factory framework;
the past three years. a technology enabled advanced manufacturing environment; and a
Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., Air Force Materiel Command com- flexible factory construct to support customer priorities with speed
mander, presided over the ceremony. and agility while bolstering manufacturing capability in the United
July 15 — Medical personnel from the 412th Medical Group States.
conducted vital life-saving training on “dustoff” procedures at Ed- “For more than 100 years, Lockheed Martin has been proud to
wards. The MDG Airmen were trained on proper patient loading call California home,” said Jeff Babione, vice president and general
procedures and safe aircraft approach on two UH-60 Blackhawk manager, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. ”Our partnership with the
helicopters. state has helped us remain competitive and has positioned us for
“It’s an essential deployment skill, and the litter carry portion, long-term growth. The technology in our new Palmdale facility lets
could even be used stateside in case of emergency,” said Lt. Col. Blue Origin photograph us go beyond manufacturing optimization to the next digital revolu-
Yvonne Storey, 412th MDG. “Knowing how to properly lift a pa- tion, driving innovation and preserving California’s leadership in
tient, carry your patient is key.” Blue Origin successfully completed New Shephard’s first human the aerospace industry.”
flight on July 20.
The training was facilitated by Soldiers of C Company, See 2021, Page 6
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