Page 2 - Aerotech 6-5-15
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Briefs 86HQJDJHPHQWZLWK3DFL¿FLVODQGQDWLRQVDV The decree published on the official gov-
Army sergeant accused of taking bribes LWYLHVIRUUHJLRQDOLQÀXHQFHZLWK&KLQD ernment web-site and signed by Putin May 27
An Army sergeant from Fort Campbell, Ky.,
In October, the U.S. said it was exploring makes it a state secret to divulge information
has been accused of taking $100,000 and a Rolex
watch in bribes from vendors seeking contracts opportunities to resume engaging with Fiji’s about peacetime losses of Russian troops in
in Afghanistan.
military, including in training exercises and in “special operations.”
in Paducah, Ky., charges 43-year-old Ramiro cooperating on issues of global concern. AP The decree comes as evidence of Russian in-
Pena Jr. with conspiring to commit bribery in
7KH86DWWRUQH\¶VRI¿FHVD\V3HQD¶VVXSHU- Spain makes U.S. rapid force at Moron mounting. How to contact
visor in Afghanistan was Army MSgt. Jimmy W. base permanent Ukraine recently captured two men who it said Aerotech News and Review
Dennis of Clarksville, Tennessee, who pleaded t.BJM&"WF,
guilty last year with another man for laundering The Spanish government approved an accord ZHUH5XVVLDQRI¿FHUVRSHUDWLQJRQWKHVLGHRI 4VJUF
about $250,000 in bribes. Dennis was sentenced May 29 permanently granting the U.S. military a the separatists in eastern Ukraine. The Russian t&.BJMFEJUPS!BFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
to 41 months. presence at a southwestern base as a center for a defense ministry said the two are no longer ac- t1IPOF
rapid reaction force to deal with crises in Africa tive servicemen. The two men, however, insisted t'BY
7KHSURVHFXWRU¶VRI¿FHVDLGLQDQHZVUHOHDVH and elsewhere. in several video interviews that they were in
that Dennis worked with Pena to procure sup- Ukraine on their commanders’ orders. AP Advertising
plies for the Humanitarian Aid Yard at Bagram The deal approved by Spain’s Cabinet allows $PSQPSBUF)FBERVBSUFST
airfield by issuing contracts to local Afghan for the U.S. to station up to 3,000 troops at the
vendors. The release said Dennis and Pena pro-
cessed approximately 217 contracts worth about Moron air base, up from a current 850. The num- NLRB dismisses Machinists’ complaint
$30.7 million. AP ber of aircraft deployed can be increased from against Boeing in S.C. Subscriber Services
Navy, Coast Guard investigate Arizona The National Labor Relations Board has BOE3FWJFXBSFGPSTJYNPOUIT
Memorial dock mishap Under a 1988 bilateral agreement, accords GLVPLVVHGDFRPSODLQW¿OHGE\WKH0DFKLQLVWV PS GPS POF ZFBS 'PS NPSF JO
permitting U.S. presence at the base have been union against Boeing stemming from the union’s GPSNBUJPO
The Navy command overseeing the hospital renewed annually. The new agreement needs to attempt to organize workers at the company’s EFQBSUNFOUBU
ship involved in a mishap that damaged the USS be approved by Spain’s Parliament. North Charleston operations. &"WF,
Arizona Memorial’s dock is sending investiga-
tors to Hawaii to probe what happened. Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de San- The union announced in April it was delay-
tamaria said the rapid reaction force was aimed ing a union vote among 3,200 Boeing eligible Story ideas, letters, editorials
Military Sealift Command spokesman Tom at contributing to stability in Africa, Europe and production workers, citing what it called a toxic 1MFBTFBEESFTTBMMMFUUFSTBOEFEJ
Van Leunen said in an email May 29 operations the Middle East. atmosphere and political interference. The union UPSJBMTUP4UVBSU"*CCFSTPO
chief Capt. Dean Vesely is leading the investi- DOVR¿OHGDQXQIDLUODERUSUDFWLFHFRPSODLQWZLWK &"WF,
gation. She said the base remained Spanish and that the NLRB. $"
the U.S. would need Spanish permission for all
Van Leunen says investigators will arrive unilateral missions from the base. The Post and Courier of Charleston reports that Web Site
this weekend and begin working immediately. the board’s Claude Harrell in Atlanta dismissed "DDFTTUIF"FSPUFDI/FXTXFCTJUF
Vesely is based at command headquarters in She said U.S. has pledged to invest $29 mil- WKHFRPSODLQWVD\LQJWKHUHZDVLQVXI¿FLHQWHYL- BUXXXBFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
Norfolk, Va. lion in infrastructure work at the base, a welcome dence to show that Boeing violated federal labor 4VCNJTTJPOTGPSVQDPNJOHFWFOUT
boost for the local economy. AP BJSTIPXTBOENVTFVNTTIPVMECFBE
The U.S. Coast Guard is conducting its own ESFTTFEUP8FC6QEBUFT
probe because civilian tugboats were involved. Boeing picks MSU for Composite Re- laws. ,
The incident occurred May 27 when two tug- search Center The union has said it will try to hold another DPOUBDUUIFXFCNBTUFSBUXFCNBTUFS!
boats were maneuvering the USNS Mercy out of BFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
Pearl Harbor. Mississippi State University and Boeing have vote later. The earliest another union vote can be
Where you can get
The Navy says waves generated by the Mercy’s announced the school will be the host for a re- held is October. AP Aerotech News and Review
propeller pushed the dock toward the memorial. 'PSJOGPSNBUJPOPO"FSPUFDIEJT
The Mercy may have also hit the dock. search center that will lead development on com- USJCVUJPO
posites the company will eventually use to build 86PLOLWDU\EHJLQVVHDUFKÀLJKWVIRU UJPO.BOBHFS
Tours on the memorial are suspended until the FNBJMEFMJWFSZ!BFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
dock is repaired. AP its aircraft. stranded Rohingya
Aerotech News and ReviewJTQVCMJTIFE
Too early to determine cause of A400M The Stitched Resin Infused Composite Re- The United States has begun military surveil- FWFSZ'SJEBZTFSWJOHUIFBFSPTQBDFBOE
Airbus says it’s too early to tell the causes Flight Research Laboratory. The University of and Bangladeshi boat people in Southeast Asian DPQZEFBEMJOFJTOPPOPOUIF5VFTEBZ
of a deadly crash of an A400M military plane, QSJPSUPQVCMJDBUJPO5IFQVCMJTIFSBT
after one of its top executives reportedly said Southern Mississippi will serve as a technology seas. TVNFTOPSFTQPOTJCJMJUZGPSFSSPSJOBET
assembly. incubator of next-generation composite material State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said
quoted Airbus strategy chief Marwan Lahoud
as saying that there were no structural defects in The announcement was made May 28 in weekend with Malaysian support. t 1VCMJTIFS1BVM,JOJTPO
the plane “but we have a serious problem in the t #VTJOFTT.BOBHFS-JTB,JOJTPO
¿QDODVVHPEO\´+HFLWHGLQIRUPDWLRQIURPWKH a news release from Boeing, MSU, Gov. Phil Rathke said the U.S. has offered to help gov- t &EJUPS4UVBSU*CCFSTPO
plane’s black box recorders. t /BUJPOBM"EWFSUJTJOH
Bryant and U.S. Sens. Thad Cochran and Roger ernments in the region by providing information .BOBHFS1BVM,JOJTPO
The cause of the May 9 crash that killed two
SLORWVDQGWZRÀLJKWWHVWHQJLQHHUVQHDU6HYLOOH Wicker, both R-Miss. about boats possibly carrying migrants in the Aerotech News and Review
Spain remains under investigation. 2I¿FLDOVVD\WKHFHQWHUZLOOSURYLGHVWXGHQWV Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
456 E. Ave. K-4, Suite 8
An Airbus Defence and Space spokeswoman with research opportunities and is intended to This month, more than 3,000 migrants have Lancaster, CA 93535
VDLGWKDWVKHFRXOGQRWFRQ¿UP/DKRXG¶VFRP- aid in accelerating advances in stitched resin in- landed in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, and
ments, adding: “We will need the full results of fused composite structures and manufacturing thousands more are believed to be trapped at sea e-mail:
the investigation in order to have the full picture.” technologies. in boats abandoned by their captains. Visit our web site at
Boeing will provide equipment and two full- +XPDQWUDI¿FNHUVKDYHDOVRDEDQGRQHGMXQJOH June 5, 2015
U.S. rescinds ban on military sales to Fiji time engineers. AP camps on land. Malaysia was exhuming remains
The United States has rescinded a ban on sales
Intruder possible foreign submarine May 26 from graves at a suspected transit point
nation of Fiji.
water object” the navy chased last month in ter- China downplays South China Sea island
An announcement Friday in the Federal Reg- ritorial waters and dropped several depth charges development
ister said the shift in defense trade policy is in could have been a foreign submarine.
response to credible, democratic elections in Fiji China is comparing its controversial island
last September. The U.S. had restricted its assis- A navy investigation released May 28 says reclamation project in the South China Sea to
tance following a military coup in 2006. WKDWWHFKQLFDODQDO\VLVGLGQRWSURYLGHVXI¿FLHQW ordinary construction going on in other parts of
proof of the presence of a submarine during the the country, such as the building of roads and
Voreqe Bainimarama, who launched the coup April 27-28 search off the coast of Helsinki with apartments.
and served as military ruler for eight years, won inconclusive sound data, but that the existence of
a decisive victory in the election and is now “of a submarine, or underwater activity” could Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun
prime minister. not be ruled out. May 26 said the issue has been exaggerated by
The Obama administration has stepped up The incident followed a lengthy hunt for a tions in response—a clear reference to the United
foreign submarine in the waters of neighboring States.
2 Sweden in October during a period of growing
military activity in the Baltic Sea region, with Yang’s comments follow an incident last week
several reports of airspace violations by Rus- in which a Chinese navy dispatcher warned-off
sian military aircraft and an increased presence a US Navy P8-A Poseidon surveillance aircraft
of Russian military vessels. AP DVLWÀHZRYHU)LHU\&URVV5HHIZKHUH&KLQD
has conducted extensive reclamation work. The
5XVVLDFODVVL¿HVPLOLWDU\FDVXDOWLHVLQ U.S. crew replied that they were in international
peacetime airspace.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed Yang said surveillance activities have been
a decree to make losses of Russian troops in growing in frequency but declined to say what ad-
peacetime a secret. ditional measures China might take in response. AP
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