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Civ-Mil group enjoys spring mixer

CZ-JOEB,$3FZOPMET                                  sonnel at Edwards Air Force Base and to act as a     Radomski, 412 Test Wing vice commander.             great culture shock for some- that was incredible;
staff writer                                          host group whenever needed.                             Civ-Mil recently held an event to welcome and    thank you so much for that” said Col. Radomski.

   It was a full house at the Civilian/Military Sup-     Civ-Mil President John A. Fergione thanked        help foreign military and civilian personnel be-       He also thanked those who are helping to move
port Group’s Spring Mixer where approximately         Rhonda Nelson, Northrop Grumman, the Mixer           come better acquainted with the area, including     the Edwards AFB Museum off of the secure area
100 Civ-Mil members and guests enjoyed them-          Committee Chairman, and her team for organizing      schools, shopping, housing, hospitals, and whatev-  of Edwards Air Force Base so it can once again
selves in a relaxed atmosphere.                       the evening’s event.                                 er they may need. “That is just one great example   be enjoyed by the public. For more information
                                                                                                           of how you make us feel welcome. It can be a
   The mixer was May 20 in the Grand Banquet             “Brig. Gen. Schaefer, 412 Test Wing Command-
Room, at Julianni’s Italian Ristorante in Lancaster.  er, and I are constantly telling the distinguished
                                                      visitors we receive on base of the outstanding re-
   Aida O’Connor founded the group 25 years ago       lationship we have with the community, and it is
for the purpose of establishing a friendly benevo-    largely because of this body and all that you do to
lent association of civic leaders and military per-   support the airmen at Edwards,” said Col. David

                                                      Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds                                                                                                                                                              Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds

                                                                                                           Left: Col. Dave Radomski, 412th Test Wing vice commander, Col. Keven Muckerheide, 412th
                                                                                                           Electronic Warfare Group, and Tom Beard share a laugh during Civ-Mil’s Spring Mixer. Radomski
                                                                                                           is the liaison between the Air Force and Civ-Mil.

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4                                                               Aerotech News and Review                                                                       June 5, 2015

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