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TransWorld Aero opens shop in Antelope Valley

CZ-JOEB,$3FZOPMET                    ÀLJKWHTXLSPHQWFUDIWVPDQLQWKH86                                                        While working as a parachute rig-
staff writer                            Air Force, Morgan has been working                                                         ger in Portland, Ore., Morgan’s Shop
                                        to support the Para-rescue community                                                       Chief, Edward Peters, encouraged him
   Michael Morgan was leaping from      since 2002.                                                                                pursue his FAA license in rigging.
trees, roof tops and whatever else he
could climb onto since the age of nine     After he watched the Twin Tow-                                                             “The random license symbol issued
so when his mom fashioned a bedsheet    ers collapse on 9-11, he went back                                                         to me was “TWA” which gave me the
with a few handles and told him to use  to a recruiter and asked if there was                                                      idea to open a business playing off of
it the next time he jumps from a roof-  anything he could do to help. “The re-                                                     that symbol and TransWorld Aero was
top, he was ecstatic.                   cruiter said they didn’t need any more                                                     born,” said Morgan.
                                        avionics technicians, but they did need
   It wasn’t until he hit the ground    parachute riggers.” He reenlisted that                                                        The company provides sales and
DIWHUPDNLQJKLV¿UVW³UHDOSDUDFKXWH  day.                                                                                       service of aerodynamic decelerators
jump” on his 30th birthday, that he                                                                                                (parachutes) for personnel, equipment
was truly hooked.                          “It is one of the most important                                                        and supplies.
                                        jobs I know of,” explains Morgan. “If
   “When I landed I wondered how        someone needs to use an emergency                                                             Equipment systems include recov-
could I build a career around para-     chute, they are in a life or death situa-                                                  ery systems for Light Sport Aircraft,
chutes?”                                tion—the chute is their last chance for                                                    unmanned aerial vehicles, Radio Con-
                                        survival, it has to be rigged perfectly.”                                                  trolled gear and hang gliders. Also,
   Serving 10 years as an aircrew                                                                                                  humanitarian resupply cargo bundles
                                                                                                                                   can be built to order, maintained and
                                                                                                                                   FRQ¿JXUHGIRUDOOW\SHVRIDLUFUDIWLQ-                                                                                                     Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds
                                                                                                                                   sertion platforms.
                                                                                                                                                                             Mike Morgan and Steve Prather of TransWorld Aero also sew patches on
                                                                                                                                      Morgan has had a parachute rigger      uniforms for veterans and make custom bags for pilots and jumpers.
                                                                                                                                   business in Oregon and Arizona and
                                                                                                  Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds  moved to the Antelope Valley in 2012,        With a mobile packing unit ready to  one at the Skypark has been very en-
                                                                                                                                   when Lockheed Martin recruited him        go, his team can cover special events   couraging and welcoming. They bring
TransWorld Aero founder Mike Morgan (right) and Steve Prather, a team                                                              to work as a flight equipment and         such as parasailing, soaring or any-    their personal packs for us to work on
member with an extensive background as an Army parachute rigger in the                                                             survival equipment technician at the      thing that uses an emergency chute.     and refer their friends and family,”
Special Operations community, work in ‘The Loft’ at Rosamond Skypark,                                                              Skunk Works. He couldn’t think of                                                 Morgan pauses. “That is probably the
packing a chute.                                                                                                                   a better place to bring his company.         “Opening ‘The Loft’ in Rosamond      best endorsement we can have.”
                                                                                                                                   ³7KLVLVWKHPHFFDRIÀ\LQJLI,FDQ¶W  has been a great experience. Every-
                                                                                                                                   do a good business here, I’d better
                                                                                                                                   pack it up.”

                                                                                                                                      Working with some of the best mas-
                                                                                                                                   ter riggers in the industry, he and his
                                                                                                                                   team have more than 100 years of ex-
                                                                                                                                   perience between them and thousands
                                                                                                                                   of hours in training. Morgan is also
                                                                                                                                   mentoring other riggers. “We usually
                                                                                                                                   end and enjoy people coming to see
                                                                                                                                   what we are up to.”

                                                                                                                                      Clients include major and small
                                                                                                                                   aerospace companies, private indi-
                                                                                                                                   viduals and companies throughout the
                                                                                                                                   Western United States.

Arkansas legislators endorse $87 million incentive package

CZ"OESFX%F.JMMP                                    facility.                                                                     help businesses grow.                                time Arkansas has issued bonds under a 2004 con-
Associated Press                                        “This bill will allow Arkansas to bring an au-                                “I think we’re much better suited as a state to   stitutional amendment aimed at helping the state
                                                                                                                                                                                        land large economic projects. Lawmakers two
   LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—An $87 million in-              tomobile manufacturing facility to the state of                               spend our time and resources on creating a level     \HDUVDJRDSSURYHGPLOOLRQLQ¿QDQFLQJIRUD
centive package intended to bring a military ve-     Arkansas,” Republican Rep. Matthew Shepherd                                   SOD\LQJ¿HOGDQGHQYLURQPHQWIRUDOOEXVLQHVVHVLQ  steel mill under construction in eastern Arkansas.
hicle assembly plant to south Arkansas easily won    of El Dorado said. “Not a conventional one, but                               Arkansas,” Republican Sen. Bart Hester, of Cave
initial approval from lawmakers May 27, with a       I would suggest that this is even better than the                             Springs, told lawmakers before the vote. He was         Arkansas officials say they expect the state
handful of Republicans opposing the move as the      Volvos, the GMs or the Fords, or any other manu-                              among the three senators who voted against the       to pay off the bonds in 15 to 20 years. The state
wrong way to attract business to the state.          facturer you could talk about.”                                               measure and the only lawmaker to speak against       would pay between $109 million and $122 million
                                                                                                                                   it.                                                  for the repayment and interest, depending on how
   The Arkansas House voted 96-0 in favor of the        Maryland-based Lockheed is competing with                                                                                       the bonds are structured.
plan to issue bonds if Lockheed Martin wins a de-    two other companies for the contract—Indiana-                                    A consultant hired by the Legislature to review
fense contract to assemble a new tactical vehicle    based AM General and Wisconsin-based Oshkosh                                  the project said it would provide a $16.3 million       The bond proposal was the top agenda item on
that will replace the Humvee at its Camden facil-    Defense. The bonds won’t be issued unless Lock-                               QHWEHQH¿WWRWKHVWDWHRYHUD\HDUSHULRGDI-    a special session. Republican Gov. Asa Hutchin-
ity. The Senate voted 31-3 in favor of an identical  heed wins the contract, which is expected to be                               ter the bonds and interest are paid off. But the     son said he was pleased with the widespread sup-
bill. Final votes on the bond proposal are expected  awarded later this summer.                                                    report by Colorado-based IHS said the benefit        port for the project.
Thursday.                                                                                                                          would likely be higher, since its analysis wasn’t
                                                        The proposal has drawn little vocal opposi-                                factoring in the possibility of suppliers moving        “It’s the best of the Legislature in action. They
   6WDWHRI¿FLDOVKDYHVDLGLI/RFNKHHGZLQVWKH    tion. Conservative interest group Americans for                               to the state or Lockheed selling the vehicles to     acted quickly and strongly,” Hutchinson said. “I
contract, the project will create nearly 600 new     Prosperity criticized the proposal as a “misguided                            other countries.                                     think it sends a good message to the federal gov-
jobs and keep more than 500 existing jobs at the     corporate handout,” and a GOP lawmaker said the                                                                                    ernment that the state of Arkansas is really a good
                                                     state should instead focus on policies that would                                If approved, the project would mark the second    partner with Lockheed Martin.”

Northrop passes design review for B-2 weapons management upgrade

   Northrop Grumman has successfully demonstrated to the         “The Flexible Strike software upgrade lays the founda-                                                      the B-2 a simpler, more powerful way to manage commu-
U.S. Air Force that its plans to upgrade key weapons man-     tion for future system enhancements, including the ability
agement software for the B-2 stealth bomber are on track and  to carry multiple weapon types,” said Col. Robert Strasser,                                                    nications with its weapon systems,” said Dave Mazur, vice
ready to proceed to the next level of development.            U.S. Air Force, B-2 system program manager and chief of
                                                              the B-2 division of the Air Force’s Fighters and Bombers                                                       president and B-2 program manager, Northrop Grumman
   The company successfully completed the critical design     Directorate. “This ‘mixed loads’ capability will ensure maxi-
review of the service’s Flexible Strike Phase 1 program on    mum strategic nuclear and conventional strike capability.”                                                     Aerospace Systems. “It will also reduce B-2 maintenance
Feb 3. Air Force approval of the CDR authorizes Northrop                                                                                                                     FRVWVLQFUHDVHPLVVLRQÀH[LELOLW\DQGLQFUHDVHDLUFUDIWUHOL-
Grumman to begin development and integration of the new          CDR is a key review point in a three-year, $102 million
software and hardware required for the upgrade.               contract awarded to Northrop Grumman in Aug. 2014. The                                                         ability.”
                                                              contract covers the engineering and manufacturing develop-
   Northrop Grumman is the Air Force’s prime contractor for   ment portion of the Flexible Strike Phase 1 program.                                                              The B-2 currently uses software called an operational
the B-2, one of the most powerful and survivable long range                                                                                                                  À L J K W  S U R J U D P  W R  P D Q D J H  W K H  F R P P X Q L F D W L R Q  E H W Z H H Q  W K H
strike systems in the world.                                     “The Flexible Strike software upgrade program will give
                                                                                                                                                                             jet and the hardware that holds and dispenses its weapons.

                                                                                                                                                                             Under its EMD contract, Northrop Grumman is replacing
                                                                                                                                                                             V H Y H U D O  P L V V L R Q  V S H F L ¿ F  2 ) 3 V  Z L W K  D  V L Q J O H  2 ) 3  W K D W  F D Q

                                                                                                                                                                             manage all of the B-2’s weapons carriage devices.

6                                                              Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                                              June 5, 2015

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