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Academy students demonstrate their enrichment

CZ-JOEB,$3FZOPMET                       said Brian Martin who teaches Introduc-
staff writer                               tion to Engineer Design and Principals
                                           of Engineering at the Academy.
   Students at The Palmdale Aerospace
Academy recently showcased their              Danny Bonilla, 14, said that he would
projects from throughout the school        like to become a psychologist. “I’ve al-
year during a semi-annual Exhibition       ways been interested in the brain and
of Learning.                               why people act the way they do—this
                                           class has been great and makes me want
   “I couldn’t be more proud of our        to learn even more.”
students,” said Assistant Headmaster
Mathew Winheim, “I’m always impressed         Both parents and students were inter-
with their hard work and creativity.”      ested in learning more about the brain
                                           and what issues are associated with dif-
   Exhibits included demonstrations in     ferent parts of the gray matter. “I had
dance, music, art, engineering projects,   no idea such famous people had men-
URERWLFVÀ\LQJYHKLFOHVDQGH[SODLQHG   tal issues, I guess they are no different
a bit about the human brain.               than anybody else,” said visitor Cynthia
   “It’s one thing to learn something, it
is another thing to share that knowledge      Depression, schizophrenia, social
and explain what you have learned,”        phobia and Obsessive Compulsive Dis-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Photographs by Linda KC Reynolds

                                                                                      Above: Bryan Rivern, Jerry Lopez and Christian Lopez display their enclosure for a Spectacle Bear that lives in South
                                                                                      America. The boys designed the area so that the bear would not feel like it was in an enclosure. Left: Students from
                                                                                      The Palmdale Aerospace Academy recently showcased a few dance moves and their projects from throughout the
                                                                                      school year during a semi-annual Exhibition of Learning.

                                                                                      order have affected many people includ-  that she loves that the kids have an op-  is hugely powerful.”
                                                                                      ing, Justin Timberlake, David Beckham,   portunity to share what they are leaning     Enrichment classes are similar to
                                                                                      Marilyn Monroe, Katy Perry and Leon-     with their families and friends. “They
                                                                                      ardo DiCaprio.                           work so hard and to share what they       elective classes; however, they are not
                                                                                                                               are doing in their Enrichment classes,    mandatory and introduce students to
                                                                                         Headmaster Dr. Laura Herman said                                                many different subjects.

June 5, 2015                                         Aerotech News and Review                                                                                            5

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