Page 3 - Aerotech 6-5-15
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General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. situational awareness, augmenting combat
announced May 29 that it has delivered a third search and rescue, and providing ground troop
Predator® B/MQ-9 Reaper® RPA to the French support. A total of 12 aircraft are planned to be
Ministry of Defense. in service by 2019.
Delivered less than two months after contract The multi-mission Predator B is a long-en-
award, the aircraft joins two other French Reap- durance, medium-high-altitude RPA that can
ers in service, which together have accumulated be used for ISR as well as targeting missions.
began in January 2014. tensive payload capacity (850 pounds/386 kilos
internally, 3,000 pounds/1,361 kilos externally),
“This latest order from the French Defense with a maximum altitude of 50,000 feet/15240
Procurement and Technology Agency (Direction meters, and can stay aloft for up to 27 hours.
to Reaper’s ability to enhance the ISR [Intelli- Predator B is currently operational with the
gence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance] of the U.S. Air Force and Royal Air Force as MQ-9
French Air Force in support of national, NATO, Reaper and with the Italian Air Force as MQ-9.
and other coalition operations,” said Frank W. Predator B provides unparalleled close air sup-
Pace, president, Aircraft Systems, GA-ASI. port and persistent situational awareness over
land or sea to coalition forces, demonstrat-
Pilots and sensor operators from Drone ing proven NATO interoperability. Some 240
Squadron 1/33 ‘Belfort,’ 709 Air Base Cognac- Predator B aircraft have amassed more than one
Château Bernard are performing mission opera- PLOOLRQÀLJKWKRXUVVLQFHLWV¿UVWÀLJKWLQ
Northrop awards scholarships to two students
Northrop Grumman recently an- ecutive, Northrop Grumman Electronic or university school of engineering
nounced winners of its eighth annual Systems. “These students set an excel- as a full-time student in an approved
Engineering Scholars program, which lent example through their schoolwork engineering program. The funds can
will provide college scholarships to as well as extracurricular activities and be used for tuition, books, room and
graduating high school seniors in the community service.” board, and lab fees.
greater San Fernando Valley commu-
nity who are interested in studying en- Au was president of her school’s A committee of Northrop Grumman
gineering, computer science, physics or Key Club, which builds leadership employees selected the Engineering
mathematics. skills through service to others, as well Scholars winners. To be eligible, each
as a varsity member of the school’s scholarship applicant had to be a gradu-
During an awards reception hosted WUDFNDQG¿HOGWHDP6KHSODQVWRSXU- ating senior this spring from a public
by Northrop Grumman’s Woodland sue a computer engineering degree at or accredited private high school in
Hills, Calif., facility May 21, Huong the University of California, San Di- Los Angeles or Ventura counties. Ap-
(Kimberly) Au of Rio Mesa High ego. plicants also had to have a minimum
School in Oxnard and Andy Wang of composite SAT score of 1,700 or ACT
Newbury Park High School in New- Wang was president of his school’s score of 27 and a minimum GPA of
bury Park each received the merit- computer science club, a volunteer at a 3.5. Recipients of any other Northrop
based scholarship of $10,000 for their local homeless shelter and a member of Grumman-sponsored scholarship were
excellent academic achievements and the varsity swim team. He plans to pur- not eligible. The committee also took
community involvement. The $10,000 sue a degree in computer science and into consideration work experience,
scholarships are payable in $2,500 in- a minor in electrical engineering at the community involvement and extracur-
stallments over four years. University of California, Berkeley. ricular activities.
“Northrop Grumman is proud to The Northrop Grumman Engineer- Northrop Grumman photograph
support these promising students as ing Scholars program aims to support
they pursue engineering-related ca- promising high school seniors who Huong (Kimberly) Au (left) and Andy
reers,” said Steve Toner, vice president intend to pursue a career in an engi- Wang are recipients of the Northrop
and Woodland Hills campus lead ex- QHHULQJUHODWHG¿HOG&DQGLGDWHVPXVW Grumman Woodland Hills facility’s
plan to attend an accredited college annual Engineering Scholars award.
Bechtel makes generous donation to museum
CZ-JOEB,$3FZOPMET cal Foundation vice chairman “It is still working and
The Flight Test Historical Foundation and the Air Individuals or companies can sponsor an area
Force Flight Test Museum are a bit closer to their
goal of moving the museum outside of the secure for $50,000, an airplane for $25,000, an exhibit for
gates of Edwards Air Force Base, thanks to the gen-
erous donation of $25,000 from Bechtel National $15,000 or smaller venues for various prices. Bricks
can also be purchased and inscribed for $100 to be
Bechtel is the largest construction and civil en-
gineering company in the United States and the 4th placed around the entrance of the new location. It is
largest privately owned company in the U.S., with
more than 53,000 employees worldwide. a great way to honor an individual or family mem-
“We are happy to support such a worthy cause,” ber while advancing science, technology, engineering
said Richard Tighe, Bechtel’s vice president of busi-
ness development. “It is an honor to a part of history and math.
and we look forward in coming back and seeing the
museum once it has been moved. The YF-22 is a The museum has 70 years of history to share with
great plane and we are happy to be its sponsor.”
the public and needs approximately $10 million to do
Members of Bechtel also received a plaque from
the Historical Foundation for their generosity and it properly. “We don’t just want static displays, we
Bechtel’s name will be permanently displayed along
with the YF-22. want to create a ‘night at the museum,’ experience,”
Since 9-11 the museum and Edwards Air Force said Museum Curator George Welsh. “We want his-
Base has been closed to the general public. WRU\WRFRPHDOLYH7KLVLVZKHUHÀLJKWWHVWLQJEHJDQ
“The only thing we are not putting up for sponsor- and will continue.”
ship is the X-48 from Boeing, because it is on loan
to us,” explained Al Hoffman, Flight Test Histori- The foundation would like to have interactive
June 5, 2015
jets and the space shuttle. They would also like to
rebuild the controversial Pancho Barnes Happy Bot-
tom Riding Club.
“We can do it if we all pitch in and get some more
sponsors. The museum will be a ton of fun, as well as
an educational experience for all ages and one of the Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds
greatest attractions in the United States,” said Welsh, David “Jester” Smith and Lisa Grey of the Flight Test Historical Foundation receive a $25,000
“and anyone can be a part of the history of making donation from Brian Sheridan and Richard Tighe on behalf of Bechtel National, Inc.
it happen.” 3
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