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Volume 63, Number 12 Serving the community of Edwards Air Force Base, California September 18, 2015 –
Dorm renovation leads to artistic discovery
by Rebecca Amber
Staff writer
Roughly five weeks ago, a Marvel-style comic Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber
mural dedicated to the men and women of Edwards
AFB’s Civil Engineering sections was uncovered dur-
ing construction in Dorm 2424.
The mural, which was under metal studs and dry-
wall, is roughly eight-feet tall by 20-feet wide. Next
to the artist signature is a ‘92’ indicating the year that
the work was created.
Each of the comic book style characters represents
depicts a metal character melting at the bottom and
says “metal shop.” An electrician shooting a bolt of
electricity from atop a power line is labeled “electrical
shop” and a muscular character shooting off rounds
appears to represent the “Prime BEEF teams.” Prime
BEEF teams are Prime Base Engineering Emergency
“It’s like a Marvel character, but it’s [the art-
ist’s] own design because you have the heat shop, the
metal shop, the administration, the electrical shop,”
said Dennis Echols, Au’ Authum Ki, Inc. supervisor
on the dorm renovation project.
“In talking to some of those guys that have come
over, some of those shops have either merged togeth-
er or are not in existence anymore.”
artist as Gregory “G” Wilson, the assistant artist as
Charles “Chuck” Hughes, and Chris “C.J.” Mahon is
credited for the concept design. Below the creative
team a dedication reads, “Dedicated to the hard work-
See DORM, Page 8
Funding bill for DOD schools on for governor’s desk
by Kenji Thuloweit vation, repair or reconstruction You can keep up to date with Air Force photograph
Editor of school facilities in CA school 0XURF-RLQW8QL¿HG6FKRRO'LV-
districts. trict info at Irving. L. Branch Elementary School, Edwards AFB.
Earlier this month, SB 111 spon- murocschools.
sored by California State Senator There are two California State property valuation. 2. The state the school is in
Jean Fuller, passed the Assembly bills authored by California State Between 2011 and 2013, Con- 7KH'2'KDVJLYHQLWV2I¿FHRI chooses not to cover the match
Appropriations Committee and the senator Jean Fuller, 16th Senate gress provided the DOD $770 mil- requirement. If California chooses
California State Assembly. District, which are SB 111 and lion in funding to construct, reno- Economic Adjustment authority to not to help these 11 schools with
SB 121. The bills are designed to vate, repair, or expand elementary drop schools on the priority list if: their 20 percent match requirement
It is now headed to Governor assist schools located on military and secondary public schools on it could jeopardize funding for all
Jerry Brown’s desk for his signa- bases by helping fund the 20% military or facility condition de- 1. Local Education Agencies are California schools on the SECDEF
ture. match requirement mandated by ¿FLHQFLHVLGHQWL¿HGRQWKH6HFUH- unable to come up with their match Priority List.
WKH'2'2I¿FHRI(FRQRPLF$G- tary’s Priority List. In December requirement or,
California has 11 schools in six justment. 2014 Congress made an addi-
school districts in the top 33 of the tional appropriation of $175 mil-
Secretary of Defense Priority List If Edwards AFB residents, or lion to this fund AND additional
of schools that need funding. Des- members of the local community, stipulations on the matching share
ert J-S High School and Branch would like to voice their support or requirement. Now the matching
Elementary fall on this list. opposition to SB 111 and SB 121, share is required to be provided
they can send correspondence to by the local education authority the
Both base schools at Edwards Governor Brown at: school is located in or the State in
qualify for Public Schools on Mil- which the school is located.
itary Installations Grant Program Governor Jerry Brown
for renovation, repair or recon- c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 According to information from
struction of their facilities. Sacramento, CA 95814 Fuller’s office, the majority of
Phone: 916-445-2841 the PSMI eligible school districts
An amount not to exceed $61 Fax: 916-558-3160 in California cannot raise the re-
million is required to cover the quired 20 percent match through
20 percent match required by the An email message can also be bond elections due to the fact that
DOD for the 11 California schools sent using this link: https://gov- in many areas there is low-assessed
on the list. Provision of this match
will leverage approximately $240
million in federal funds for reno-