Page 226 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 226
Table 3.15.1 Report on consultant appointments using appropriated funds for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
Project title Total number of consultants Duration Contract value in
that worked on project (Work days) Rand
Conduct the audit of disposition fund for support to orphans, vulnerable children and youth project 8 32 R193 260.00
for period 1 April 2018 to 31 December 2019.
Provide editorial services for the policy on social development services to persons with disabilities. 3 102 R362 570.00
Conduct a synthesis evaluation of social development sector's response to food relief mechanism 12 66 R500 000.00
during Covid-19.
Develop x3 2D Animated videos for NPO education and awareness 5 66 R447 304.00
Edit, design, typeset and print the state of NPO report on the registered NPOs in SA. 5 58 R490 000.00
Review the sustainable livelihoods toolkit for community development practitioners 5 102 R499 800.00
Develop Social Development sector five-year evaluation plan and research agenda for medium term 2 88 R348 750.00
strategic framework period 2020-2025 and develop a model towards the establishment of social
policy advisory committee
Edit, design and layout of the victim empowerment sector training and development plan 3 42 R238 000.00
Conduct personnel suitability checks in respect of the appointment of interns in the Department of 1 1 R8 156.95
Social Development
Development of the Non-profit organisation (NPO) framework document 5 42 R494 000.00
Service provider to conduct an implementation evaluation of the infrastructure programme 8 168 R3 053 374.00
Appointment of a service provider to develop alternate care management system 12 228 R7 899 865.20
Appointment of a service provider to develop a monitoring and evaluation system 14 252 R11 772 366.00
Appointment of a service provider to conduct a rapid assessment on the implementation and 6 132 R1 395 000.00
utilization of the special R350 000 .00 Covid-19 SRD grant on behalf of SDS & SASA
Appointment of a service provider for the Editing, Design, Layout, Printing, Finishing, Packaging, 6 192 R4 098 738.00
Labelling and delivery of the DSD Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plans, Operational Plans and
Annual Reports over a period of three (3) years.
The appointment of a suitable service provider to roll-out 38 training sessions on Population 6 202 R3 186 156.00
Migration, Human Rights and Sustainable Development Trainings targeting 278 Municipalities in
South Africa.
Appointment of a service provider to integrate gender-based violence (GBV) system and victims 12 222 R9 709 017.55
empowerment (VEP) system to enable the information exchange between the integrated justice
system (IJS) cluster departments
Total number of projects Total individual consultants Total duration Work days Total contract value in Rand
30 174 174 R50 550 544.60