Page 7 - MAVR Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 1 (April 2018)
P. 7

students on virtual internships allowing them to get an immersive experience of various
               occupations and what is good or bad about them. You could later ask students to share
               what they found out about different jobs with their classmates.

               As a final word, I would love to hear about your ideas as to how Google Expeditions can
               be integrated into the language classroom. If you have anything to share, please post
               them on MAVR social media.

                   Google Expeditions: Over a Million Students, on Trips to Virtually Anywhere

               3.   VR Hardware for Cool Teachers: The Theta Ricoh SC Camera for

               Creating Original VR Content
                       by Josh Brunotte and Chris Hastings

               Having used VR in EFL classrooms for the last few years, the need for creating original
               VR content has become increasingly clear. For one, relying only on free apps (e.g.
               Google Expeditions, Virtual Speech, etc.) has allowed for many exciting and immersive
               class activities, but the advantages of using instructor-created content include custom
               activities that fit a class or activity’s needs perfectly. And tremendous possibilities exist

               for creative and meaningful output for student-created VR content as well. The Theta
               Ricoh panoramic camera is one hardware series that may help fill this need, although
               the function and performance of the SC model in particular leaves some room for
               improvement. After a year of experimenting with the Theta SC, its power as a
               panoramic camera has become clear. The resolution of still images can reach 5376 x
               2688 pixels (HD quality) and looks quite clear in every direction, so would work well for

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