Page 10 - TCW_Benefit Guide_2019 FINAL
P. 10


         BENEFIT AREA                             CDHP                              PPO                HMO (CA Only)
                                         In-Network      Out-of-Network   In-Network    Out-of-Network   In-Network
         Annual Deductible:           Individual  Family  Individual: $3,000  $300          $600           None
                                       $1,500    $3,000   Family: $6,000    $900            $1,800         None
                                               per member
         Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum:
           Individual                      $3,000            $9,000         $2,000          $4,000         $2,000
           Family                          $6,000           $18,000         $6,000         $12,000         $4,000
                                        Covered at 100%                  Covered at 100%
         Preventive Care                  No copay      40% after deductible  No copay  40% after deductible  No copay
                                       (deductible waived)              (deductible waived)
         Physician Office Visit         20% after deductible  40% after deductible      40% after deductible  $20 copay
                                                                        (deductible waived)
         Specialist Office Visit        20% after deductible  40% after deductible      40% after deductible  $40 copay
                                                                        (deductible waived)
                                                                                                       100% - Diagnostic
         Diagnostic Procedures         20% after deductible  40% after deductible  10% after deductible  40% after deductible  $100 copay for
         (MRI, CT scan, X-ray and Lab)                                                                  complex imaging
                                                                                                       (MRI and CT scan)
                                                                               10% after $100 copay;      $100 copay
         Emergency Room                       20% after deductible
                                                                              Copay waived if admitted  (waived if admitted)
                                                                                       40% after $500 copay;
                                                        40% after deductible
                                                                                                          $250 per
                                                                                         after deductible
         Hospital Inpatient            20% after deductible  (preauthorization   10% after deductible  (preauthorization   confinement
         Hospital Outpatient           20% after deductible  40% after deductible  10% after deductible  40% after deductible  $125 copay
                                                                                       40% after $500 copay;
                                                        40% after deductible             after deductible  $250 per
         Mental Health Inpatient       20% after deductible  (preauthorization   10% after deductible  (preauthorization   confinement
         Rehabilitation Services                                                                        $20 copay up to
         (physical/speech/occupational   20% after deductible  40% after deductible  10% after deductible  40% after deductible   60 visits
                                                        40% after deductible
                                       20% after deductible                                             $20 copay / visits
         Chiropractic Coverage       Limited to 30 visits/year    Limited to 30 visits/  $20 copay up to 30 visits    40% after   up to 60 visits
                                                          year in & out-of-
                                       in & out-of-network                                               (combined)
                                                        40% after deductible
                                       20% after deductible
         Acupuncture                 limited to 20 visits/year in   limited to 20 visits/    10% after deductible  40% after deductible  $20 copay/visit
                                                           year in & out
                                        & out of network
                                                           of network
         PRESCRIPTION DRUGS              In-Network      Out-of-Network   In-Network    Out-of-Network   In-Network
         Copays listed below do not apply until the Calendar-Year Deductible, listed above, is met.
                                                         40% of submitted              50% of submitted cost;   $5 or $15 copay
                                          $10 copay                        $10 copay   after applicable copay  based on drug
         Generic                                        cost; after applicable
                                        after deductible
                                                        copay and deductible
                                                         40% of submitted
                                          $30 copay                                    50% of submitted cost;
         Preferred Brand                                cost; after applicable   $30 copay                $25 copay
                                        after deductible                               after applicable copay
                                                        copay and deductible
                                                         40% of submitted
                                          $50 copay                                    50% of submitted cost;
         Non-Preferred Brand                            cost; after applicable   $50 copay                $45 copay
                                        after deductible                               after applicable copay
                                                        copay and deductible
         Specialty                      After deductible,              30% for Preferred and           30% for Preferred
         (first Rx filled at network pharmacy,  30% for Preferred and Non-  Not Covered  Non-Preferred Specialty  Not Covered  and Non-Preferred
         subsequent from Specialty   Preferred Specialty (maximum       (maximum $150)                    Specialty
         Pharmacy Network)                 $150)                                                        (maximum $250)
        The above information is provided for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the applicable carrier material for exact description of plan benefits and
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