Page 13 - TCW_Benefit Guide_2019 FINAL
P. 13


                          CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE

                          MetLife provides competitive group rates for voluntary Critical Illness Insurance.
                          The coverage, provides a cash benefit when a claim is submitted and a covered
                          diagnosis is verified. You choose how to use the money, whether to cover medical
              expenses associated with the disease (e.g. deductible, copays, out-of-network specialists, and
              out-of-pocket limits) or anything else. Coverage is available in amounts of $15,000, $30,000,
              or $50,000 for yourself and your family.

              There are no medical exams and no health questions required to obtain the coverage. The
              insurance is guaranteed when you make your election in your initial eligibility period as a
              new employee or during the annual enrollment period, as long as you are actively at work
              performing all the usual and customary duties of your job and your dependents are not
              subject to medical restrictions when the coverage would become effective.

              Full benefits are paid upon diagnosis of certain Cancers, Heart Attack, Stroke, Kidney Failure,
              Coronary Artery Bypass, Alzheimer’s Disease, or Major Organ Transplant; diagnosis of 22
              additional conditions will pay a benefit of 25% of the policy amount. Benefits may be paid up
              to three times the coverage amount if a condition recurs or if you are diagnosed as having a
              second (or third) diagnosis of a covered illness. Benefits for spouse and child coverage are
              50% of the benefit elected for the employee.

              Premiums for Critical Illness Insurance will be paid with post-tax dollars, so the plan will pay
              the full benefit for any claim that is accepted.
                                            Monthly Premium for each $1,000 of Coverage
                   Attained Age    Employee Only  Employee + Spouse  Employee + Children  Employee + Spouse + Children
                (as of March 1 each year)
                      <25              $0.41          $0.72            $0.75                 $1.06
                      25-29            $0.43          $0.75            0.77                  $1.09
                      30-34            $0.56          $0.93            $0.90                 $1.27
                      35-39            $0.77          $1.25            $1.11                 $1.59
                      40-44            $1.17          $1.84            $1.51                 $2.18
                      45-49            $1.69          $2.60            $2.03                 $2.94
                      50-54            $2.50          $3.74            $2.84                 $4.08
                      55-59            $3.52          $5.17            $3.86                 $5.51
                      60-64            $4.96          $7.17            $5.30                 $7.52
                      65-69            $7.27          $10.38           $7.61                $10.72
                      70+             $10.12          $14.52          $10.46                $14.87
              The above information is provided for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the applicable carrier material for exact description of plan
              benefits and conditions.

              This plan also includes a wellness benefit. If you are enrolled in the plan and obtain any number of qualified
              wellness screenings, you and your dependents will receive an additional benefit of $50, $75 or $100 based
              on the plan you elect.

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