Page 4 - Roadmap Booklet
P. 4

STOP #2                                                          Roadmap from Kaiser to Cigna


          FINDING A
          NEW DOCTOR

                            Make sure to stay in-network – you will now have access to a large HMO network of
                            providers to choose from. with Cigna. Here’s how:

               Primary Care Physicians (PCP)                                       Specialists

           Choose a provider now so you are all set to meet     If you need a specialist, work with your Primary Care
            your new doctor as soon as coverage begins on           Physician to get a referral. You can search for
                               July 1st.                                    available network specialists.

                            Here’s How:                                             Here’s How:

         Go to and click on “Find a Doctor,      Go to and click on “Find a Doctor,
         Dentist or Facility”                                   Dentist or Facility”

         •  Choose “Employer or School”                         •  Choose “Employer or School”

         •  Enter your zip code and Click your preferred        •  Enter your zip code and Click your preferred
            search type                                             search type

         •  (by type of doctor, name of doctor or location)     •  (by type of doctor, name of doctor or location)

         •  “Continue as a Guest”                               •  “Continue as a Guest”

         •  Choose Primary Care Provider (PCP) from the         •  Choose the type of provider from the drop
            drop down menu and “Continue”                           down menu and “Continue”

         •  Click on “Southern California” for the Full         •  Click on “Southern California” for the Full
            Network HMO and Choose “Southern California             Network HMO and Choose “Southern California
            Select” for the Select HMO                              Select” for the Select HMO

                         If you hit a curve in the road and need some roadside assistance call your Cigna One Guide
                         to give you directions. They will help you find a new doctor, answer any questions on bills
                         along the way. Call 888.806.5042
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