Page 5 - Roadmap Booklet
P. 5

STOP #3                                                            Roadmap from Kaiser to Cigna

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         Cigna’s in-network pharmacies are usually just steps away from your home or work.

         Most recognizable pharmacies that you now have access to are:

         •  CVS                              •  Walmart                          •  Rite-Aid

         •  Walgreens                        •  Costco                           •  Target

                            If you have a prior authorization for your prescription from Kaiser, you will want to
                            work with your new doctor to get this approved with Cigna.

         Cigna One Guide is here to help:

         Starting May 20th, you will have access to representatives.

         •  They can help you find a doctor
         •  They can work with you and your doctor to get authorization and send you to a nearby pharmacy to fill
            your prescription

                                                Things you should do

         Don’t forget about mail order for     Refill your existing prescriptions     After July 1st, work with your new
           any maintenance medications;         through Kaiser by June 30th.             doctor to set up new
         you can get 90 day supply for the                                                  prescriptions.
          cost of 60 days. Save money and
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