Page 24 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
P. 24
We Customize Your Idea into
Reality with the Internet of
Things, Artificial Intelligence,
and Cross-Platform Apps
CloudeDots his responsibility for Banking,
CRM, Health Care, Education,
and Industrial Sector since 2008
towards learning and implementing
Mission: Make with full of passion and dedication
economically more to give a better technology future
transparent services, for our next generation.
solutions, and products. We His aim is to serve society a better
want to provide dynamic solutions life in terms of technology which
to the industry and make this data gives better life and platform to
available to as many people as serve our next generation. He
possible. Our mission is in your believes that don’t work like
success. your duty but work like your
loudedots is Our Goal responsibility towards us, family,
an Information company, country, world and for
CTechnology Change the ways in which the this planet. He has strong command
Company that helps the Startup, technologies work on learned languages, framework,
Small Business, Entrepreneur, Learn at every phase and lead the and library like C, C++, C#,
Agency, and Enterprise by building market Python, Javascript, Typescript,
their idea into reality using the CSS. dot Net, dot Net Core, Ado.
Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Operate with unity and outperform Net, Mono, Angular, Xamarin,
Intelligence (AI) and Cross- our competitors Ionic, Micro Framework, Nano
Platform Apps solutions. Understanding core concept of Framework, OCR, Face train and
Cloudedots is a young company client idea and requirement recognition and so on...
in the software & hardware Design and develop it beautifully Our Expertise & Services
technology market but we’ve Earn for our stakeholders and the If you are planning to build your
experienced and experts who can people who believe in us own IoT, AI, and Cross-Platform
direct our clients to make their Apps solutions then appraise
digital & technology presence Develop and deploy in market Cloudedots wants to join and
bright using our services & Overcome the challenges with the collaborate with you and provide a
solutions. We started our journey right spirit great solution that leads you to top
with a big aim to provide a great Technologically nurture ourselves in the market.
technology solution to our most and make things happen for our
valuable clients. clients It is our honor if we can do a great
Vision: The global vision of Systematically produce the result job that gives you the best solution
for your idea and product.
Cloudedots is to be recognized and of our client’s idea into reality
respected as a leader in providing Internet of Things
Internet of Things, Artificial The Guiding Light • Industry 4.0 Solution
Intelligence and Cross-Platform Devendra Gohel is an Indian • Remote Asset Monitoring
Apps solutions. Business Executive and the CEO at
CloudeDots, who has been serving • Predictive Maintenance
24 October 2019