Page 21 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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from Darden School of Business, mobile is needed. Hence, we have
USA. After MBA, he worked in built highly skilled team who can
high-end finance roles with General work on several technologies.
Motors, GE and McKinsey. In his We make it super-easy to Moreover, we have access to some
last job with a Fortune 200 logistics our customers by providing of leading innovators in this field
company, he was heading Treasury a SaaS platform and and have developed partnership in
Operations. Alok is very passionate academia in turning this challenge
about solving Finance problems having a simplified pricing into a competitive advantage. We
with technology and automation. model that insulates them see our investment in technology
Vision: Our vision is to become from all the underlying research as an on-going process.
Our belief is that our customers
partner of choice for innovative complexities will benefit not just from the
solutions using AI in BFSI and ““ product we have today, but also
other domains. We give extreme from continuous investment in
emphasis on innovation, solving innovations on long term basis.
customer’s business problem, their digitization journey to the In this journey, we do face some
and building long-term customer next level – benefiting in several challenges. One of the biggest
ways. It also helps in significantly challenges is - low technology
Our solution (Digital Sense) enhancing end-customer and awareness among our customers. It
end-user experiences. Some key is really mind-boggling to see how
Our solution “Digital Sense” benefits are: their employees keep doing their
captures variety of information work manually which results in
efficiently from physical a. Business benefits: Faster high operating costs, and take long
documents, images / PDFs; processing, more sales, efficient processing time. This challenge
transforms the information into process, lower cost, enhanced end- is also a business opportunity
structured data; and routes the customer experience. for us - as we use cutting-edge
structured data to appropriate b. Continuous technological technology in our products to
system seamlessly in real-time innovation: With AIEdge’s ongoing automate business processes for
using RPA or traditional methods investment in technology research our customer with lower costs,
such as APIs. Digital Sense and business solution, customers higher efficiency and much more
encapsulates functionalities get benefits of technological satisfied end-customers.
with an objective of helping advances on continuous basis.
businesses manage end-to- Another challenge is the sheer pace
end process. A state-of-the-art c. Out of box: With focus on of innovation happening in the
Artificial Intelligence engine runs business solution, customer gets areas of AI and ML. Therefore, we
at the core of Digital Sense, which several features out of box. have decided to invest continuously
automatically reads handwritten Using New Technology to Solve in technology. We have built
documents / forms, extracts images capability to iterate very fast on
(such as pictures of applicant, or Difficult Problems experiments and development to
signature) and converts them into At AIEdge, we are ambitious in mitigate this risk.
structured data with high degree investing in and using cutting AIEdge Technology’s strategies
of accuracy. The solution can be edge technologies for solving
deployed in variety of use cases some of the business problems Some strategic points help us in
such as customer onboarding and that have proven to be difficult tackling competitors are as follows:
form processing. to solve. As an example, to • Continuous innovation – making
Benefiting the Customers improve digitization and customer us ahead of our competitors
onboarding processes significantly,
Digital Sense delivers tremendous we realised that combination of • Business solution (instead of
value to not only enterprise several technologies such as AI, technical solution only) – to solve
customers, but also to their end Computer Vision, Deep Tech, RPA real and present problems for
customers. It helps businesses take (Robotics Process Automation), enterprise customers
October 2019 21