Page 16 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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is a difficult subject to quantify,                                       built for AI systems. With Data
        especially from a revenue growth                                          Privacy laws, GDPR is one of the
        perspective. Broadly speaking,       “                                    most important change in data
        it can be categorized into Image       Plaza Solution has                 privacy regulation in the past 20
        Processing and Recognition,            redefined the way                  years.
        Natural Language Processing,
        Speech Recognition and Machine         we function. Right                 In India, organizations who work
        Learning.                              from optimizing                    on security and privacy audits are
                                                                                  coming up with similar laws and
        From our understanding of the          operational                        is soon to be amended.
        market and trends, we feel that        efficiency
        adoption of Machine Learning will                                         “Most importantly, we feel ethics
        be the top one to growth globally      to customer                        should be the driving key for any
        and locally. From toy projects, it     satisfaction and                   software that deals with data. A
        has evidently moved to Production      not to mention the                 software should be meant to work
        ready systems for the past few         timely data inputs,                within its limits and boundaries,
        years and has shown very positive                                         any extra data should not go
        outcomes. Data pipelines are           Plaza has been a                   out or come into the system.
        getting well defined and stronger.     great new addition                 This has to start at an individual
        Retail domain is one of the early      to our profile.                    level, one has to be wary of what
        birds with respect to adopting                                            data he/she is sharing where,
        Machine Learning to a good                                                likewise smart minds who build        Hotel Pratap Plaza, Chennai
        extent. Likewise, with Healthcare.                                    “   such software should also work
        Manufacturing industries also have                                        ethically as to not to misuse it in
        been using Machine Learning in       at a very large scale. When we       any form or reason. “
        handling quite a few problems.       hear the word Image Processing,      The Journey till Date
        With respect to Speech               people generally relate it to Face   Any company will face lot of
        Recognition, which is quite a        Recognition. But there is much       struggles and hassles in the initial
        complex problem to solve, we         more than that. Sources for image    phases, financial, people, goals
        think right now the market is        related applications are majorly     and objectives, channelizing
        occupied by big players like         cameras, be it regular CCTV          energy, planning to name a few.
        Amazon, Google and the likes.        cameras, or specialized cameras      Especially when a company is
        Applications of speech recognition,   meant for surveillance. Today,      bootstrapped and has first time
        virtual assistant seems to be        Face Recognition as an application   entrepreneurs.
        topping the list. We think that      is being applied mostly from a       We had rich expertise in
        applications of speech recognition   surveillance perspective. Countries   technology, experience in
        itself will evolve much more in the   like China and few states in USA    understanding “true” problems,
        next 5-7 years and from there will   have adopted it big time.            creativity and many such
        we see some stability and maturity.   Images are actually everywhere, if   successful ingredients to make

        Natural Language Processing is       a computer can see what a human      a company successful. But there
                                             can see and if the same computer
        also gaining momentum in the         can perceive what the human eye      are other aspects to running a
        past few years. Again, practical     perceives, then there is no limit to   business.
        applications other than the regular   where it can be applied is what we   One of the biggest challenges
        ones (but complex ones) like auto    think at GoLittleBig. There are lot   we had in our initial days was
        filling of mails, generating news    of practical real-world applications   to channelize our ideas. Bala A
        articles and summaries, we don’t     of Image Processing. We have built   V, by nature has the capability
        get to see more.                     few Products where we work on        to foresee many things as far
        Last one, Image Processing           Images other than Faces also.        as industries are concerned,
        and Recognition which is also                                             hence the number of ideas that
        GoLittleBig’s forte is seeing lot    The last point that we strongly feel   kept popping up was also many.
        of applications across industries    about this industry is regarding the   Industry for which we will build
                                             laws and ethics that needs to be     something was very broad,
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