Page 12 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
P. 12

(L) Sambhavi Dhanabalan (Director),
        Balasubramaniam AV (Founder
        and CEO) & Sudhir Rao (Leadership

                oLittleBig Technology        picture every 200 milliseconds and   Deep Learning is one of the
                Solutions is a young         Human brain has the intelligence     fundamental blocks that is present
        Gand dynamic technology              to perceive it in the right way.     in all of GoLittleBig’s Products.
        start-up specializing in solving     It is something that comes
        industry problems in a creative      unconsciously to humans because      From a product perspective, “Easy
        and distinctive way using Artificial   our brain has been trained from    Check-In” and “Plaza” are few of
        Intelligence as its backbone. The    a very young age to perceive         the high-flying products developed
        company at present is focusing       objects. Whereas, when the same      at GoLittleBig that are built on a
        on Hospitality Industry. Started in   has to happen with a machine, it    robustly designed secure platform
        November 2017 by a technology        is not a trivial task. There is lot of   using cutting edge technologies
        visionary Balasubramanian A V,       processing that needs to happen      with a capability to scale to handle
        who is also the Founder and CEO,     and only then can we use it for      high volume and concurrency.
        GoLittleBig uses Computer Vision,  further perception. GoLittleBig        Easy Check-In is a disruptive
        a subset of mainstream Artificial    works on making this complex         product that can be used by Event
        Intelligence.  This is a science     task happen.                         Managers or Individuals who
        that deals with making machines      GoLittleBig’s Vision Statement:      organize and handle conferences.
        intelligent when fed with videos     To be a global market leader in      It has re-defined quite a few things
        and images.                          providing innovative solutions       that were never been possible

        To break it down into simpler        across industries using Computer     so far. One such big benefit in
        terms, Human eye captures one        Vision + Artificial Intelligence.    conferences is, reducing the time
                                                                                  of check-in of delegates to the
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