Page 17 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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any leading hotel, Pratap Plaza
                                                                                   also has its own challenges in
                                                                                   spite of having the goodwill of
                                                                                   so many customers, well trained
                                                                                   and efficient staff and a very
                                                                                   employee and customer friendly
                                                                                   management. Pratap Plaza, being
                                                                                   pioneers in this industry always
                                                                                   want to give the best to their
                                                                                   customers. Hence GoLittleBig and
                                                                                   Pratap Plaza   have joined hands
                                                                                   and have deployed the product
                                                                                   with a win-win for both.
                                                                                   Our product “Plaza” is a bouquet
                                                                                   of solutions, as the segment itself
                                                                                   poses a variety of problems and
                                                                                   there cannot be a one phrase
                                                                                   definition that can solve all of
                                                                                   them. “Plaza” re-defines Customer
                                                                                   experience in an unseen way,
 Hotel Pratap Plaza, Chennai                                                       aids in improving the operational
                                                                                   efficiency of the hotel staff to a
        what we will build was also very     strike a chord with the audience.     very great extent, is a great catch
        broad and it kept going back and     Although we are extremely             from Security and Surveillance
        forth. Channelizing those ideas      confident of what we have built,      aspect, arrests Revenue Leakage
        and narrowing them down and          and its business benefits, there      to the rate of huge numbers and
        defining the boundaries were one     had to be some chiselling to be       much more.
        of the biggest challenges we faced   done to pitch it in the right way.    Clients Testimonials
        initially. Speaking to industry      Sudhir has been of great value in     # “Plaza Solution has redefined
        leaders regularly helped confine     these areas and has given us more     the way we function. Right from
        our objectives to a great extent.    prominence. Overall, Sudhir has a
        Slowly many small balls started to   very important role in the growth     optimizing operational efficiency
        roll out as 1 big ball.              of GoLittleBig.                       to customer satisfaction and not
                                                                                   to mention the timely data inputs,
        In spite of many such challenges,    GoLittleBig’s  -Hotel Pratap          Plaza has been a great new
        GoLittleBig as a company has         Plaza Experience                      addition to our profile.”
        come this far, thanks to our         GoLittleBig has developed a
        leadership coach Sudhir Rao.         product “Plaza” which is powered
        Sudhir is a certified leadership                                           *  Year of Founding: 2017
        coach as well as a business coach.   by Artificial Intelligence and is     *  Funding
                                             designed to cater to certain services
        When we started to work with         of Hospitality industry like Hotels,   Information: Bootstrapped
        Sudhir, it was not an easy travel.   Bed & Breakfast, Motels, Hostels,
        Sudhir is a person who does not      Resorts and Restaurants.              *  Founding
        mentor but coach. He steers a                                              Members: Balasubramaniam AV
        discussion in such a way that there   Pratap Plaza, is one of the leading   (Founder and CEO), Sambhavi
        will be no straightforward answers,   hotels in Chennai. It was started in   Dhanabalan (Director)
        instead he drives us to figure out   1993 and is in its 26th year. Having   *  Office Locations: Chennai
        important decisions, when, what      been in this industry successfully
        and how. One another challenge       for such a long period which is       *  Company Strength: 5 -10
        that we used to face is to portray   definitely a herculean achievement,   *  Website:
        the products in a way that would     we as a company are truly proud
                                             to be associated with them. Like
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