Page 22 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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• Extreme focus on customer – is coming – to its customers. the success of this start-up.
with long term relationship
The Journey Full of Ups & As noted earlier, we are focussed
• Focus on Indian market as much Downs on the Indian market as well,
as developed market which comes with its own set of
As founders of a start-up, we have challenges. Indian enterprises are
The Key to Develop a Good Team to wear many hats. One day we are very price conscious and decision-
doing sales, the next day we might
Both founders are highly focussed be sitting down with a developer making is generally long-drawn.
on excellence and teamwork. We to troubleshoot, and the next day However, the founders’ past
have been very careful in our we might be designing product experience has helped a lot in
hiring. We spend a lot of time and features. Though, this challenge navigating through this.
effort in making sure that we hire is not unique to us - as all start-up Our Recent Achievements
engineers who are not only smart need to go through this. However,
but share our passion. So far it it is particularly challenging We are in advanced stage of
has worked out very well for us. since the AI and fintech fields are closing deals with couple of large
Our development team has been constantly evolving. We have to Indian customers. Recently, we
able to develop Digital Sense with multitask a lot, and at the same participated in Stamford Innovation
excellent quality, we believe, in time, we need a single-minded Week in USA – which was
record time. focus on developing a truly high- extremely well received.
The Face of the Industry Today tech product that solves business • Year of Founding: 2019
problems amazingly well.
We think that technologies such • Funding Information:
AI, ML are finally here to stay. As A key ingredient of our success Bootstrapped.
noted above, the pace of innovation is to iterate on the technical
in these fields has been tremendous. experiments very fast – to enable • Founding Members: Amit
We think that AI based automation us create business products better Gupta, Alok Kumar.
will fundamentally change our than our competitors. • Office Locations: T-Hub,
lives in ways that we haven’t even We are currently self-funded. This Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India.
imagined. Fortunately, AIEdge is demonstrates our commitment and New York, USA.
well poised to take the benefit - confidence in the venture. It also
from this monumental change that • Company Strength: 8
shows that we are 100% vested in
• Website:
Alok at Stamford Innovation Week USA
Amit with team AIEdge Alok at Stamford Innovation Week USA