Page 20 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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AIEdge Technologies
A Fintech Start Up Focused On Providing Innovative
Business Solutions by Pushing the Boundaries of
Technology & Human Imagination
At the core, AIEdge has its
AI based product called
Digital Sense, which the
company leverages in
delivering tremendous
technology-based value-
add to customers
Amit Gupta Alok Kumar
Co-founder Co-founder
yderabad (India) and Artificial Intelligence, Computer decided to join hands and start
USA based AIEdge is Vision, Deep Tech, and RPA AIEdge.
Han Artificial Intelligence (Robotics Process Automation). On
based innovative solution business domain front, the founders Amit comes with tremendous
provider to Banking, Financial come with decades of experience in technology background with deep
roots in Banking and Finance. In
Services, and Insurance (BFSI) BFSI. addition to Electrical Engineering
and other verticals – focusing
on digitization and customer The Founders’ Duo from IIT, he has received his
onboarding. Its product “Digital AIEdge is founded by two friends MBA from IIM Calcutta. Earlier
Sense” uses latest technological from IIT Kharagpur - Amit Gupta in his career, he worked with tech
giants such as TCS and has been
innovations to provide end- and Alok Kumar. Both of them senior executive in several other
to-end business solution. This spent four years together at IIT.
enables customers to focus more Over countless late-night studies, technology companies. Most
on their core business as AIEdge quizzes, tests, and fun-filled hostel recently, he led the Cloud vertical
provides business solution and life, they developed friendship of IFTAS, a Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) Company. Amit is very
makes technology easier for that has lasted for years. Earlier passionate about technology and its
customers. The Start Up has this year, when they met at their
rare combination of advanced reunion, they talked about IIT application in industry.
technological expertise and deep life, family, friends and career Alok worked in technology for
domain knowledge in BFSI. aspirations. It was a great meeting major banks such as Citicorp, and
On the technology front, it is of the minds as they both wanted to Deutsche Bank before migrating
at the forefront of pushing the leverage cutting edge technology to USA. Apart from B.Tech. from
boundaries of technology in in solving business problems. They IIT, he did an MBA in Finance
20 October 2019