Page 19 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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Artificial Intelligence Startups in 2019
Founding Office Company
Company Logo Company Name Management Website Brief
Year Location Strength
AIEdge is an Artificial Intelligence based business solution
AIEdge Technologies Amit Gupta 2019 Hyderabad & 8 partner to Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI)
Co-founder & CEO New York and other verticals – focusing on digitization and customer
Cloudedots is an Information Technology Company that
CloudeDots Devendra Gohel 2018 Rajkot, 11-50 helps the Startup, Small Business, Entrepreneur, Agency, and
Enterprise by building their idea into reality using the Internet
CEO Gujarat of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cross-Platform
Apps solutions.
CoRover Ankush Sabharwal 2016 Bangalore, 11-50 CoRover®, an award-winning Cognitive AI Platform, provides
Digital Assistants, to improve sales, save cost and improve
Founder & CEO
customer engagement & satisfaction.
DigiFutura is an innovation application development company
DigiFutura Mr. Chethan K R 2015 Bangalore 11-50 focused to create compelling user experience design digital
Co-founder experiences and building topnotch highly scalable web and
mobile applications for startups and SME’s.
Endive Software is a leading software, web and mobile app
Endive Software Ajay Goyal 2008 Jaipur, 51-200 development company that has been delivering a peerless set
CEO Rajasthan of technology services to various businesses over an eclectic
GoLittleBig Technology Solutions is a young and dynamic
GoLittleBig Balasubramaniam A V 2017 Chennai 10+ technology start-up specializing in solving industry problems
Founder & CEO in a creative and distinctive way using Artificial Intelligence as
its backbone.
Space-O Technologies is an ISO certified, globally-leading,
Space-o-Technolo- Rakesh Patel Ahmedabad, www.spaceotechnologies. award-winning mobile app development company from India,
gies Co-founder 2010 Gujarat 201-500 com focused on delivering beautiful, scalable, high-quality products
and apps worldwide.
Verloop Gaurav Singh 2016 Bangalore, 11-50 Verloop is a Customer Support and Engagement Automation
Platform. Verloop Bots are always on, highly personalised and
Founder Karnataka give visitors a consistent experience.
VInventTech Shraddha Nagar 2018 Pune, 2-10 VInvent Tech was started with a vision to encourage Talent
CEO Maharashtra and Value Innovation in Deep Learning technology.
WebNest Software Dnyaneshwar Laxman Pradhan 2012 Aurangabad, 11-50 Webnest Software Solutions is a mobile app development
Solutions Co-founder Maharashtra artificial intelligence blockchain company.