Page 14 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
P. 14

Thinking Out of the Box              Taking Competition as a Catalyst     “
        To us at GoLittleBig, out of         We at GoLittleBig value
        the box means many things, it        Competition as a healthy ingredient    We at
        means simple, it  means thought      as that’s one thing that fuels growth   GoLittleBig value
        process that is derived out of       in all aspects. We see competition
        sheer common sense, it  means        as a very positive aspect and as a     Competition
        something that was always known      strong catalyst. Hence, we invest      as a healthy
        but never thought of to be applied   time to understand our competitors.
        to “a” particular scenario in “a”    Our core strategies are research-      ingredient as
        particular way, it also  means to    based solutions and walking the        that’s one thing
        take a less travelled route, it also   mile with our clients to understand   that fuels growth
        means not following the herd, we     them.
        interpret it in a quite few ways, that                                      in all aspects
        itself is “out of the box”, isn’t it?  First and foremost, we are a
                                             research- based organization                                       “
        “Out of the box” also need not       comprising of a couple of Deep       Ingredient
        necessarily imply something          Learning Practitioners, we do
        complex, something expensive,        research in all areas, and it is a   Irrespective of domain, good
        something huge and massive.          consistent effort and not just before   team is one of the magical

        We as a team, thought why            building a product or solution.      ingredients for success of any
        Artificial Intelligence shouldn’t    Another strategy that we follow is   project or company. There is no
                                                                                  doubt or questions about it. Our
        be used in ways, places and          the time we invest to understand     leadership team has worked with
        infrastructure not thought of.       our customers. We do not jump into   teams of different sizes, starting
        One scenario where we have           direct selling of products although   from 5 to 500. There are various
        applied our “out of the box”         they are well thought of generic     elements in building good teams.
        thinking is part of the Plaza        ones. Instead we spend ample         To start with, we would first want
        product. Hoteliers across all ratings   time understanding our Customer,
        (2-star, 3 star) have a common       their values, their priorities, their   to define what a good team is.
        problem when it comes to serving     Customers, their problems in         In our experience, if members in
                                                                                  a team look forward to coming
        breakfast in restaurant on time. Yup   each department, ponder about      to work each day, then it means
                                             onboarding our product with
        we have solved it!
        “                                    existing systems.                    members show constant growth
                                                                                  that we have built a good team. If
                                             minimum intervention of their
                                                                                  in multiple aspects, be it coding
                                             Strategies in Making Our
                                                                                  or managing or problem solving
          We are a research-
          based organization                 Products & Solutions Better          or communication or selling,
                                                                                  then it means we have built a
                                             We build our solutions and
          comprising of                      products not just for all practical   good team. If customers with
          a couple of                        purposes, but to truly make          whom we work with are happy
                                                                                  for majority of the time, then it
          Deep Learning                      the industry better in terms of      means we have built a good team.
                                             enhancing and solving many
          Practitioners, we                  aspects. Re-defining Customer        If the management go back home
          do research in all                 experience, Smart ways of            in peace, then it means we have

          areas, and it is a                 handling Operational issues,         built a good team. A good team
                                                                                  is like a cookery recipe, there has
          consistent effort                  Improvising Security and             to be variety so that things get
                                             Surveillance problems, Arresting
          and not just before                Revenue Leakage, Generating          balanced and the final dish is a
          building a product                 Revenue are some of the benefits     classy one. So, what does it take
          or solution                        that the Customer ends up with the   to build a good team?
                                             products GoLittleBig has built.      In order to build a good team,
                                             A Good Team is a Magical             the primary ingredient is being

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