Page 15 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
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(L) Sambhavi Dhanabalan
(Director) & Balasubramaniam
AV (Founder & CEO)
transparent. Management of a The Face of the Industry Today Infrastructure, IT + Business
company should be transparent in Let’s speak about global services, Emerging Tech and
their goals and objectives, vision information technology as an Telecom Services.
and mission. This channelizes industry briefly and then delve in to Moving onto revenue growth
the team’s energy in the right the forte of Artificial intelligence, through emerging technology
direction which results in good what the market research says and bucket, again another interesting
and consistent results. It also then our own views about it. portray from IDC. Artificial
helps build a sense of belonging Intelligence is one of the
amidst team members. Constant As per research consultancy IDC, contributors in the emerging tech
messaging of an organization’s the global information technology bucket. Allied Market Research
goals and objectives helps teams to industry is on mark to reach $5 came up with a detailed report on
re-align themselves time and again. trillion in 2019. Day on day we all AI trends in 2019 in which they
are digitally connected, technology
Balanced communication also touches lives in every single way say Asia Pacific region would
plays an important role in building and automation pitches in many exhibit the highest CAGR of 59.4%
a good team. Appreciate in public, areas that was never thought of during 2018-2025. (https://www.
criticize in private helps build good earlier.
teams. End of the day success Information Technology by itself intelligence-market, https://www.
of any organization lies in its is a very broad term. Another
employees or it’s team members. interesting research by IDC industry-trends-analysis)
Keep them happy and the org breaks that down into 5 traditional Now to our two cents, first of all
grows automatically. Artificial Intelligence by itself
buckets, Software, Devices +