Page 13 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
P. 13

“                                little ones and then stitch them     Packard, Merrill Lynch and

                                             back to an intelligent BIG. Two, the  Cognizant. An avid problem
              As a company,
              GoLittleBig                    aspiration of the company, which     solver, hands-on developer and a
                                             is to help grow it’s customers big,
                                                                                  technology freak, Sambhavi has
                                                                                  traveled to many countries for
                                             irrespective of their size.
              is focused                     Leading Light of GoLittleBig         work, United Kingdom, United
              on building                    Balasubramaniam A V, Founder         States of America, Colombia,
                                                                                  Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia to
              products that                  & CEO of GoLittleBig Technology      name a few.
              are practically                Solutions has a whopping 17+         Biggest Challenges We Face
                                             years of experience in software
              useful to its                  industry. He has worked with         As a company, GoLittleBig is

              Customers                      MNCs on the likes of Mphasis,        focused on building products
                                             Polaris and Cognizant. Fondly
                                                                                  that are practically useful to
                                             known as Bala a V in his             its Customers. When we say
                                             professional circle, he has been in   practically useful, it is not just
                                             Research & Product Development       in the sense of making their
            level of seconds.
                                             for 10 years building successful     lives easy through automation of
            “Plaza”, a smart product         products.                            processes. We focus on solutions
            designed for the Hospitality     Strategic Consulting is something    that have a huge impact on
            industry, is a bouquet of        Bala is very good at. He has the     “revenue generation”, “revenue
            solutions that cater to many     ability to understand the big picture   leakages”, bringing in a world of
            divisions of any Hotel. It       in a quick span of time, foresee     difference to customer experience,
            bundles more than a dozen        future problems and architect        re-defining operational efficiency.
            use cases that were previously   solutions keeping them in mind.      To summarize, we as a company
            considered unsolvable or                                              always have a holistic approach
            were being solved in a very      He has worked and consulted in the   before, we start building a Product.
            constrained manner. One such     US and Switzerland and has proved    One of our biggest challenges is to
            benefit from just one of the     himself to be a very efficient       get the top list of “on the ground”
            use cases we solve, is pointing   technology architect. Has handled   problems which create a big
            out a multi-fold increase in     hundreds of RFPs and Proposals.      revenue impact to the Customers.
            potential revenue.               Bala has managed large teams         Though Revenue is directly tied

            Logo of GoLittleBig denotes      both in Delivery and Research &      to dollars made, it also indirectly
            multiple things, firstly, the    Development, to the tune of 300+     ties down to a fulfilling Customer
            company has an eye for detail,   members. His team members look       experience, Enabling Operational
            it magnifies each and every      up to him as a friendly, yet strong   efficiency of Staff and much more.
            rolling stone that comes its     leader and respect him for his
            way when it comes to problem     technical knowledge and people
            solving which is denoted         at work, few of them for Best  “
            by the blue eye. Secondly,
            data is just data when left as   Bala has received a lot of awards      One of our biggest
            is, but at GoLittleBig, it is                                           challenges is to
            made “intelligent” which is      Product, Best R&D team and             get the top list of
            denoted by the tagline “Data.    many Innovation awards. He             “on the ground”
                                             has presented papers at various
                                             Industry and National Level            problems which
            Finally, the name “GoLittleBig”  conferences.
            itself denotes 2 things, one, it                                        create a big
            denotes the approach we take     Sambhavi Dhanabalan(one of             revenue impact to
            in solving any problem, we       the Founding Directors of the          the Customers
            break down anything big into     company)  also comes with 17+
            multiple little ones, we solve   years of technical experience                                          “
                                             working in MNCs like Hewlett
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