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        technology  that  can  be  applied  to  the  production   Edward B. Beharry Group
        processes to ensure sustainable use of raw materials,    Environmental Management Consultants
        while simultaneously seeking to lower production costs   Banks DIH Ltd.
        through the use of renewable energy sources.             KSM Investments
                                                                 Laparkan Freight Forwarders
        Following the keynote address by Minister Harmon, the    Guyana National Industrial Company
        GMSA Annual Magazine for 2017-2018 was launched          Guyana Pawnbroking & Trading Company
        and  which  prompted  chairman  of  proceedings  Mr.     Ricks and Sari Limited
        Ramesh Dookhoo to state that this was perhaps the rst   O-Squared Consulting
        time the organisation was able to complete and have      Durable Woods
        ready the Annual Magazine at the AGM.
                                                                 The Board held it's rst meeting on April 12, 2018 to
        The  second  half  of  the  AGM  saw  the  tabling  of  the   elect  the  Executive  for  the  period  2018-2019.  Mr.
        Auditors Report and the election of the new Board for the   Shyam  Nokta  the  CEO  of  Environmental
        year 2018-2019. The following members were elected:      Management Consultants, was elected unopposed
                                                                 as President of the GMSA. Mr. Ramsay Ali, CEO of
        Brass Aluminium & Cast Iron Foundry                      Sterling  Products  Ltd.  was  re-elected  1st  Vice
        Swansea Industrial Associates                            President,  Mr.  Ramesh  Dookhoo  of  Banks  DIH
        Tropical Shipping Agents                                 Limited  as  2nd  Vice  President  and  Ms.  Glennis
        Sterling Products Ltd.                                   Hodge of Tropical Shipping Limited as the 3rd Vice
        JTW Associates Management Institute Inc.                 President.
        National Milling Company

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