Page 5 - News Letter 2018 1 Revised.cdr
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                    “Uncapped Marketplace” Resounding Success

         Diekah's Spices                     Indigenous Coconut Oil              Kraftias Jewellery

             he  Guyana  Manufacturing  and  Services           He said, “Last year, the government supported the
             Association  (GMSA)  hosted  its  2nd  annual      initiative because agriculture is big business all
        T“Uncapped  Marketplace  Agro-processors'               around the world. Food in general is big business
        exhibition  on  Sunday,  April  29th,  at  the  Guyana   and we see the potential of this industry to feed
        National Stadium Providence.                            our people and to grow and develop into a more
                                                                viable export industry.”
        The  event  attracted  scores  of  Guyanese,  who  were
        eager  to  have  a  rsthand  look  at  the  products  and   GMSA's  First  Vice-President,  Ramsay  Ali,  said  the
        services, created right here in Guyana.                 association  is  pleased  that  it  can  provide  such  an
                                                                exposure to small and medium scale agro-processors.
        And, among those persons, were Minister of Business,    He  also  expressed  gratitude  to  all  those,  who  have
        Dominic  Gaskin,  who  in  touring  the  exhibition,    supported them in one way or the other to ensure the
        demonstrated feelings of amazement at the number of     successful hosting of the event.
        young entrepreneurs that are embracing the concept of
        agro-processing and the need to support local.          He added, “We recognize that they need help. They
                                                                need  help  to  improve  their  product  quality
        He also commended them for their efforts in improving   including  packaging.  They  need  help  with
        quality packaging and presentations of their products   technical  support  to  make  their  products  last
        and services.                                           longer and they need help to sell their products.
                                                                Uncapped Marketplace is where GMSA is trying to
        He  said,  “This  denitely  falls  in  line  with      create an environment where they can bring their
        international standards.”                               goods and services to one location and we invite
                                                                the  Guyanese  public  to  come  and  sample  and
        M i n i s t e r   G a s k i n   a d d e d   t h a t ,   “ T h e y   ( t h e   purchase their products and services.”
        entrepreneurs)  understand  the  concept  of  good
        packaging; they have a greater brand awareness          Ali also explained that with the support from the other
        which  comes  out  in  their  approach  to  business.   local  sponsors,  the  manufacturing  and  service
        Certainly,  I  have  seen  an  improvement  in  the     association  was  able  to  provide  the  booths  to  the
        quality of packaging over the last few years.”          exhibitors at a reduced cost. They were also able to
                                                                guarantee free entrance for patrons.
        Last  year,  the  GMSA  hosted  'Guyanese  Flavour
        Uncapped' at the Sophia Exhibition Centre and Minister   ExxonMobil is one of the major sponsors of the event
        Gaskin has noted the Government's continued support     and Senior Director of Public and Government Affairs,
        for such initiatives.                                   Kimberly Brasington explained that the US oil and gas

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