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        began  making  her  own  BBQ  sauce  with  pineapple,   Shania Evans is part of a team that is bringing to the
        abandoning the foreign-purchased one.                   Guyanese market 100% handmade virgin coconut oil
        Craig was also awarded by the Guyana Manufacturing      from Pomeroon, Region two.
        and Services Association in recognition of her pioneer
        spirit of product.                                      The name of the product is Indigenous Coconut oil and
                                                                was  conceptualized  by  Danielle  Hall  –  a  Guyanese
        Gordon Hunte – the proprietor of the “Red Basket” also   living abroad.
        praised  the  GMSA  for  such  an  initiative.  The  “Red
        Basket” is a traditional house style snack company, but   And  so,  she  is  pleased  that  there  are  organizations,
        its agship product is homemade fudges.                 such as the GMSA, that are seeing the need to create a
                                                                space for greater levels of awareness of what products
        Hunte said his business has been in existence for six   and services Guyanese have to offer.
        years  and  currently,  he  supplies  all  the  leading
        supermarkets.                                           Iris Callistro is the Chief Executive Ofcer of “The Real
                                                                Ting” which is an indigenous supplier of Amerindian art
        “GMSA  is  one  of  the  entities  that  as  a  young   and craft products.
        businessman I was thinking to reach out to and to
        have them actually reach out to me it feels great       “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able
        and  gives  me  the  opportunity  to  showcase  my      to showcase our product to the wider public and I
        product and meet a lot of people.”                      know  that  with  this  exposure  our  business  will
                                                                truly reap the benets.”
        Marlloyd  Kyte  of  Kraftiasjewellery  shared  similar
        sentiments.  She  said,  “I  am  excited  for  this     “The  Real  Ting”  business  is  located  at  Kabakaburi,
        opportunity.  This  is  the  second  time  I  have      Upper Pomeroon River, Region Two.
        participated in their event and I hope that as the
        years go by it grows to something much bigger           Some of the other exhibitors at the event included Guy-
        and anticipated.”                                       Flavours  Natural  Foods,  Eco  Atlantic  International
                                                                Investment Inc., Diekah's Spices, Sherl's Cosmetics, Sun
        Kyte sells unique hand crafted jewelry, precious stones;   Crest Farms, Morning Glory Cereal Factory and Lisa's
        crochet  items  for  all  ages  and  sizes,  handbags  and   Manufacturing.
        souvenirs. She also customizes and repair jewelry.
                                                                The GMSA also plans to take this event later this year to
        Leisa Gibson of Natural Hair and Beauty Products by     other parts of the country.
        Leisa's Salon said, “This year's exhibition exceeded
        her  expectations.  GMSA,  you  did  a  good  job.      The Uncapped Marketplace was ofcially launched on
        Thank you for the opportunity.”                         March  23rd  at  the  Guyana  Marketing  Corporation,
                                                                Robb and Alexander Streets, Georgetown.

         Sherl's Cosmetics                    SS Natural Fruit Flavoured           Sun Crest Farms
                                              Barbecue Sauce

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