Page 6 - News Letter 2018 1 Revised.cdr
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Natural hair and beauty
Lisa's Manufacturing Morning Glory Cereal Factory products by Leisa salon
Lisa's Manufacturing Kraftias Jewellery Sun Crest Farms
exploration company is more than just oil. Sandra Craig from SS Natural Fruit-Flavoured
Barbecue Sauce is one such person and she said, “I am
She said the company prides itself on supporting all thankful to the GMSA for giving me the exposure
aspects of development in any country, in which, it that I desperately needed to grow my business.”
Sandra also participated in the rst uncapped event,
Brasington said this is why it had no reservations when it which was held last October at the Sophia Exhibition
was initially asked to come onboard. Center.
She added, “It is a great opportunity for us to To date, this budding entrepreneur has seven avours
partner with the country to demonstrate and lead of homemade barbeque sauce on the local and even
by example the importance of diversication.” regional and international markets.
Brasington said while oil and gas is a thriving industry, The avours are golden-apple, sour sap, tamarind,
focus must also be kept on the agriculture sector. ginger and garlic, mango, passion and her initial
creation, pineapple.
She added, “The way we can get involved is by
making it possible for agro-processors to come The idea of the fruit avoured barbeque sauce was
out and put their products on display.” conceptualized in 2014 at her snackette at Orange
Walk, Bourda, Georgetown.
In the meantime, the exhibitors have all expressed a
sense of gratitude to the GMSA for creating a platform She recalled that, while she was in the process of
for them to showcase their products and services. grilling/barbequing some chicken for customers, she