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       contributions towards addressing the issues. One of the   established  between  the  GMSA  and  the  Ministry  of
       key initiatives proposed by the GMSA is the securing of   Finance to address the issues raised and the Ministerial
       low-cost technologies for primary processing in remote   Committee will meet again in June 2018 to evaluate the
       areas and the setting up of a modular agro-processing    progress made.
       facility to process crops whose production can increase
       relatively quickly (such as mangoes, pineapple, plantain,   The Inter-Ministerial Roundtable is an initiative between
       peanuts).  A  facility  of  this  nature  would  help  create   the GMSA and the Minister of Finance which was started
       stable guaranteed market for farmers, push increased     in June 2017 and through which three Roundtables have
       productivity and lowered cost of production, and could   been identied, with the rst one focused on the Forestry
       be a step towards servicing export markets.              and Wood Processing sector.

       The  meeting  agreed  that  among  the  immediate        Following  the  Second  Roundtable,  the  Joint  Technical
       solutions would be to have a greater share of public     Working Groups for Forestry and Wood Processing and
       procurement to be sourced from local agro-processors     Agro-processing met on Thursday, 31st May 2018 at the
       once available and of suitable quality and competitive   GMSA Boardroom. The Joint Techical Working Groups is
       price. Closely linked to this would be the implementation   the  agreed  mechanism  to  advance  and  implement
       of  the  Small  Business  Act  requirement  of  20%  small   decisions  of  the  Roundtable  and  comprises  GMSA
       business sourcing by Government.                         members and representatives of Government Ministries,
                                                                Agencies and Departments. It is jointly chaired by the
       It  was  agreed  that  a  Joint  Technical  Team  will  be   GMSA and the Ministry of Finance.

                                                 Members of the Joint Technical  Working Group - Agro-processing Sector

                                                                        Members of the Joint Technical Working Group -
                                                                                   Forestry and Woods Products Sector

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