Page 5 - GMSA MAY 2018
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GMSA Member Profile
Brass Aluminium and Cast Iron Foundry Ltd (BACIF)
rass Aluminium and Cast Iron Foundry Ltd (BACIF) is Over the years, BACIF has done work for several leading
a locally owned established engineering manufacturing and service industries in Guyana and the
Bmanufacturing company. Caribbean.
The rm was established in 1959 as a four man operation Message from the Managing Director
under its founder Mr. Claude Leslie Geddes. 2019 BACIF will be celebrating 60 years as a business and
37years as a Company.
It became incorporated in 1982 and is presently governed
by a Board of Directors and a Management team. BACIF Despite the ongoing challenges, we are extremely proud
currently has a staff of seventy employees. of this achievement and look forward to our 60th
anniversary with pride.
BACIF is a complex consisting of its own Design/Drawing
ofce and four Production Departments. There are many factors responsible for keeping our doors
open, some of which are:
The Pattern Department Ÿ Modesty
This Department is highly developed with modern facilities Ÿ Respect for the community in which we operate
and staff with the necessary expertise. Ÿ Value for our customers who support us
Ÿ Value for our employees who are our greatest assets
Foundry Department Ÿ Opportunities provided for in-house and external
This department produces an average of 4,000 tons of training
castings per year. It consists of Ÿ Prudence and discipline
Crucible type Furnace with capacities of 650 kg, 1400kg Ÿ Our Bankers
and 7 ton cold blast furnace. Ÿ The Government of Guyana
Ÿ Our suppliers; among others
Machine Department
Highly advanced in the country with the capability of To operate a manufacturing entity such as BACIF is not
producing versatile jobs in terms of design and mass. easy. We are aware of the country's limitations and the
many business support areas.
The Welding Department
Our Welding /Fabrication Department is capable of Any business that employs people must be recognized for
undertaking diverse welding and fabrication jobs. their contribution to national development.
Since 1962, the company has been a signicant Employment is a direct way of contributing to human
contributor to the Guyanese economy thus saving the development and supporting families.
country foreign exchange through import substitution.