Page 9 - GMSA MAY 2018
P. 9
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Board Member Profile
Carol Webster-Carter
Address: Lot 2 Soesdyke, East Bank
Demerara, Guyana
Tel: 592-697-2656
Address: 200 West 39th Street, New
York, NY 10018
Tel: 212-939-6206
Address: Lot 2 Soesdyke, East Bank
Demerara, Guyana
Tel: 592-697-2656
arol Webster-Carter is founder and CEO of O- Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Health Care,
Squared Consulting, an operations optimization Energy, Sales, Retail, Construction and Government
Cconsulting and management development institutions, resulting in improved Management
organization. She is also COO of the Guyana Economic Operating Systems and millions of dollars of savings.
Development Trust (GEDT), a philanthropic organization
that incubates and supports projects to expand and Carol grew up in an entrepreneurial family where
enhance enterprises and workforce skills in Guyana. everyone has their own business. Her husband, Lindon
Carter, is her #1 Supporter and Champion. She enjoys
O-Squared Consulting helps companies achieve their the challenge of nding creative and innovative business
strategic objectives and improve their business results by s o l u t i o n s a n d e m b r a c e s v a r i o u s f o r m s o f
streamlining operations, improving productivity, entrepreneurship. Carol re-migrated to Guyana in May
reducing unit cost and increasing their management 2015 and seeks opportunities to create, develop,
capacity. This includes developing a management enhance and sustain businesses in her community. She
system to focus on key performance indicators, teaches Project Management for the CAPM & PMP
documenting business processes, identifying and certication and various business and management
eliminating barriers and bottlenecks. programs at the School of Entrepreneurship & Business
Innovation at the University of Guyana.
The GEDT addresses key challenges start-up businesses
face – access to nancing, technical expertise and Carol earned her MBA from the University of the West
relevant ICT skills. GEDT engages the diaspora and other Indies. She is PMP certied from the Project
interested persons who want to invest in Guyana to Management Institute, Lean Mastery certied from
provide seed funding, coaching, “future skills” training Clayton State University and has the following
and outsourcing opportunities for start-ups in Guyana. certications:, Agile Expert Certied, SCRUM Master
Certied, SCRUM Product Owner Certied, SCRUM
Over the past 30 years, in her roles as Project Manager, Developer Certied, Certied Marketing Research
Consultant and Director of Continuous Improvement & Professional, Digital Marketing Professional and
Project Management Ofce in the Caribbean and the Certied Corporate Sales Professional.
USA, Carol worked on over 50 projects in