Page 10 - GMSA MAY 2018
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                                     GMSA Member Profile

                                   KSM INVESTMENTS INC…

                       revolutionising the concrete products sector in Guyana
                      Mahadeo Panchu, Entrepreneur & Builder (Executive Chairman)

                                                                attention to every detail, he soon mastered the skills and
                                                                precision needed to succeed in the long run in the Rice
                                                                Exportation  and  Shipping  businesses.  Mahadeo  had
                                                                successfully transitioned from a careerfocused academic
                                                                to a full-edged and successful entrepreneur.

                                                                Looking to make a lasting contribution to his country and
                                                                recognising the troubling deciencies in the Construction
                                                                sector in particular, the Panchu family embarked on an
                                                                investment  path  to  radically  transform  the  physical
                                                                landscape of Guyana and lay down a solid foundation
                                                                for future generations.

                                                                In  2015,  the  Panchu  family  opened  Guyana  and  the
                                                                Caribbean’s  rst  of  its  kind,  state-of-the-art  Concrete
                                                                Products Plant at Good Hope, ECD, producing the nest
                                                                quality and high compressive strength concrete pavers,
                                                                hollow blocks, vent blocks and curbstone that were ever
                                                                produced in Guyana.

                                                                The  Plant  and  Factory  were  ofcially  opened  in  April
                                                                2017 by the Hon. Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin.

               ahadeo Panchu is a born and bred Guyanese        What is particularly noteworthy is that Mahadeo was the
               who grew up in the rural East Coast Demerara     sole  supervising  builder  of  the  entire  grand  factory
       Mfarming community of Broek-en-Waterland, De             building that currently houses KSM Investments, Inc. and
       Hoop,  Mahaica,  to  parents  who  were  typical         their imposing Concrete Products Plant and the largest
       hardworking rice farmers. In his early career, Mahadeo   Outdoor  Display  for  concrete  products  anywhere.
       worked  at  the  Guyana  Cooperative  Agricultural  &    Mahadeo  personally  oversees  all  construction  efforts
       Industrial Development Bank, more commonly known as      and also built several buildings including his beautiful
       the “Agri Bank” in the Research and Development dept.    home which he shares with his lovely wife Shanta, who is
                                                                also  a  managing  partner  in  their  investment  in  KSM
       A few years prior to the dissolution of the Agri Bank,   Investments, Inc, and their only child, Arvind.
       Mahadeo used his considerable analytical and reporting
       skills  pursuing  a  career  in  journalism,  after  which  he   Mahadeo and Shanta Panchu have successfully led KSM
       commenced writing in the Stabroek News, but it was only   within  two  short  years  of  the  company’s  startup  in
       a  matter  of  time  before  he  would  combine  all  the   November 2015 into receiving two notable accolades:
       knowledge  and  experience  gained  from  his  rice  farm   (1) Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) Gold
       upbringing, his “Agri Bank” training and his journalistic   Standard  Award  for  Quality  (in  the  medium  business
       endeavours  and  enter  the  burgeoning  Rice  Export    category), and (2) the Caribbean Association of Export
       market in 1994.                                          Promotion  Agencies  (CAIPA)  /  Caribbean  Export
                                                                Development  Agency  (CEDA)  Regional  Investor  of  the
       Success  in  the  rice  export  business  was  not  easily   Year Award (2016/2017).
       achieved  but  with  a  mind  that  was  trained  to  pay

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