Page 8 - GMSA MAY 2018
P. 8

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        Craft producer, Irene Bacchus-Holder, said the Timber   shapes and sizes, skirting, crowning, windows, door
        Expo was a “fantastic effort” that should be continued.   trims, rails and more. According to Managing Director of
        “There is so many more that you can do with wood        the Company, Justin Bulkan, the company operates a
        species. In Guyana, we take wood for granted. This is a   wood moulding plant at which over 120 persons are
        fantastic effort that should be continued,” she said.   employed. “We can manufacture any single wooden
                                                                component for your house or building. We also do
        Howard Bulkan, the Managing Director of Bulkan          excellent prefab work.” The company also offers from
        Timber Works (BTW), is among the exhibitors to offer    the selected lumber produced in the forests kiln-dried
        value-added materials at an affordable rate to locals.   timber used in the construction of buildings and
        Bulkan's company has mainly serviced overseas markets   furniture components.
        for in excess of two decades. “We're now making an
        effort to target the local market … and we're hoping that   Bulkan Timbers Works, Variety Wood Products, Direct
        Guyanese can see what we can do.” BTW offers a          Woods Products, Barama Co., Mc Vantage and Floor It
        number of value-added timber products including         were some of GMSA Members who participated at this
        beautifully proled mouldings, shingles in various      event.

           Eco Woods                                             Farfan & Mendes Group

         Floor It                                                Variety Wood & Greenheart LTD.

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