Page 7 - GMSA MAY 2018
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        “substandard” products.                                 international markets, the industry will certainly benet
                                                                from initiatives geared at creating and expanding
        As a country that has one of the highest percentage of   domestic demand for timber and manufactured wood
        forest covers in the world, Guyana can do more, he      products. We believe this is a key step towards sector
        highlighted.  Gaskin noted that Guyana needs to         recovery and to stimulate value-adding. And it can
        nurture and develop the nation's resources in a way that   happen through greater awareness as well as initiatives
        can be used to its highest capacity.                    aimed at creating demand. In this regard the GMSA is
                                                                encouraged by the decision to consider having a greater
        “We are importing wood products in a country that has   share of national procurement for infrastructure and
        one of the highest percentages of forest cover in the   housing include locally produced timber products and
        world. This is happening because we have not nurtured   lesser used species. We believe there is opportunity to
        or developed our nation resources in a way that fully   extend this to the commercial sector as well as
        exploits the value exchange associated with these       households”.
        resources. I do know that we are adding very little value
        to our timber before it leaves our shores, I cannot say   The GMSA President also alluded to the creation of an
        what the wood that we export to various part of the     internationally recognizable Guyana Brand to act as a
        world each year is used for but I know for a fact that we   Green Label for Guyanese products [starting with forest
        can earn a lot more if we were to export a greater      products] and which takes on board all of Guyana's for
        proportion of that wood in value added products,” the   example on EITI, EU-FLEGT, having one of the lowest
        Minister told the gathering.                            deforestation rates in the world, etc.

        President of GMSA Shyam Nokta in his remarks noted      Attendees of the Timber Expo 2018 were impressed by
        that while this sector has witnessed steady decline in   Guyana's wood products while exhibitors lauded the
        value added products the GMSA, for which forestry and   success of the exhibition and called for it to be a xed
        wood-processing is a large subsector, engaged           feature on the Guyana Forestry Commission's (GFC)
        Government through the mechanism of the Ministerial     calendar.
        Roundtable to discuss key issues affecting the sector and
        proposed a menu of measures geared toward               Nizam Ameerally, Managing Director of Eco-Woods said
        enhancing the competitiveness of the sector.            the expo has provided exposure to the downstream
                                                                production within the forestry sector.
        He noted that these interventions can be helpful in
        stemming the decline in the forestry and wood-          “We say that value added is not just planning boards, its
        processing sector. However, for the sector to expand and   making furniture, woodcraft and all of that because we
        grow to realise its true potential, challenges to       use more of the wood when we do that. We have to
        competitiveness need to be addressed which include      continue to have the government continue cooperation
        high cost of production, quality and market access and   like this in setting a premise for the downstream to
        in particular the domestic market.                      prosper and it will take off in my opinion,” Ameerally
        According to Mr. Nokta “even as we seek to expand to    said.

                                                                                             Durable Wood Products

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