Page 10 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:53
P. 10


                                                SBT With Jim Wilde

                                                 Jim’s Back and Fighting Hard

                                               Well, what a   and we are sure that you will have suggestions on how those
                                              busy couple of  sort of problems can be addressed.  If you have any ideas or
                                           months.  A very    suggestions that you think may help in this area, please drop
                                         busy time for the    us a line to any one of the following  emails addresses:
                                     magazine, and the folks
         that drive it. The opening of the Tommy Atkins Centre was a
         pivotal moment for us.  We now have a fully functional
         Veterans Centre in Worcester, and we are already making a
         difference to many veterans lives. The "Rewind Trauma
         Therapy" facility is under way, and I am convinced the work of  Alternatively, find us at
         Dr Muss and his team will make a huge difference to those
         that need treatment for PTSD and associated mental issues.  Of course, we also have our radio channel which can be
                                                              accessed at:
         There has been plenty of news for inclusion this month, and
         Pablo has to work wonders to get as much of it into issue that
         he can. The media and press still reflect our work, which con-
         tinues to promote awareness for Veterans issues, including  We are on air Monday - Friday from 10am - 2pm playing
         the continuing focus on Veterans Suicides, and the action  requests, and addressing all sorts of issues. We have a chat
         needed to mitigate and reduce the unprecedented losses we  room where you can ask questions, submit requests, and
         are enduring. Over the last year, I have been working with  generally shoot the breeze with like-minded individuals. Pop
         "Veterans United Against Suicide", and Jeff Williams and the  in, you might enjoy it!.
         team, with the focus on raising the awareness for these
         issues.  A big thank you to Jeff, for his continued dedication  Whilst on that subject, we are always on the lookout for new
         and hard work in this area.                          talent, so if you are a budding DJ, or fancy having a go at
                                                              broadcasting, be sure to drop us a line on anyone of the
         We have managed to get various posts into the media, and by  above links. We will make sure you have all you need to get
         the time you read this, I hope to have appeared on ITV News,  on air, and set you up for connection to the world :).
         speaking about the way forward, and what can be done that
         will offer support and awareness to those that need it.  I am  Okay folks, gonna keep this relatively short this month, as I
         still of the opinion, that mental health training needs to be  know Pablo is limited on real estate!  As always, thank you for
         included in all aspects of basic training of those joining the  supporting the magazine, and make sure you subscribe to
         Military, in order that personnel are aware of the likely impact  ensure you get the latest news sent directly to your inbox.
         that serving in a combat zone may bring. There are many  Stay safe wherever you are, and remember, check on your
         organisations out there that are working hard to find solutions  buddies from time to time.... It may save a life.
         to what has become a major talking point in the veterans com-
         munities.                                            Jim Wilde
         Over the coming weeks and months, we intend to get out and
         about and visit some of the Armed Forces Breakfast Clubs,
         and talk to many of you about how civilian life is treating you,
         and some of the challenges you may have faced during your
         transition from the Military into your new job/life. There is a
         huge resource of knowledge in these clubs, and we should
         tap into that, and use the experiences and ideas that this huge
         veterans community can offer.

         Not everyone leaves the forces without some sort of upheaval,

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                                         0800 731 4880

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