Page 7 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:53
P. 7


                        THE VETERANS’ MAGAZINE

           SBT NEWS                                March Edition         

                                                 British Soldier Dies In Accident At Army Base
                                                 Story: Chronicle Live   Photo: The Scottish & North Irish Yeomanry/ Facebook
                                                      British soldier has died follow-  a suspected broken arm and was
                                                      ing a crash at the Catterick  taken to hospital for treatment.
                                                 AGarrison army base in North
                                                 Yorkshire.                      North Yorkshire Police are investi-
                                                                                 gating the incident.
                                                 Staff Sergeant John McKelvie, also
                                                 known as 'Jock', was in a car that  SSgt McKelvie had served with the
                                                 overturned at Gandale Camp  in the  Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry
                                                 training area on January 29.    since the regiment's formation in
                                                 He was airlifted to James Cook
                                                 University Hospital in          An Army spokesperson confirmed
                                                 Middlesbrough but died as a result  SSgt McKelvie died while on duty,
                                                 of his injuries on Monday.      and said: “Our thoughts are with
                                                                                 Staff Sergeant McKelvie’s family and
                                                 It is believed that a passenger in the  friends at this difficult time.”
                                                 vehicle, also in the military, suffered  Read the full story here...

         Disabled Veteran Stripped of Benefits Veteran Wrongly Held on Drug Charges
         Story: Morning Star                                  Story:  Photo: Detained in Dubai
              disabled war veteran  Northern Ireland during the                         Andrew Neal, 44, who served
              says he is distraught  Troubles and on exercise in                        in Iraq, Afghanistan and
         Aafter being stripped of  the Arctic Circle was injured                        Bosnia, is said to have been
         benefits days before      when a helicopter landed on                          held in Dubai for more than
         Christmas in a “Kafkaesque
                                   him.                                                 four months after being
                                                                                        accused of selling drugs, a
                                                                                        charge he denies, according
         Ex-RAF man Jonathan       He left the military on a 60
         Williams, 56, served with the  per cent war pension and   former British soldier  to a legal advocacy group.
         UN in Bosnia. He was      managed to secure an            recovering from post-
         trapped under fire in the  archaeology degree from Atraumatic stress           Human rights group
         siege of Sarajevo, leaving  Cardiff University. However,  disorder (PTSD) is being  Detained in Dubai, which is
         him with post-traumatic                              detained in the United Arab  representing the Briton's
         stress disorder (PTSD).   his PTSD became            Emirates after being accused  family, said on Wednesday
                                   overwhelming and prevented
                                                              of selling drugs, despite the  the person who accused Mr
         Mr Williams also served   him from working.          accuser later withdrawing his  Neal of selling drugs had
         several tours of duty in  Read more here...          statement, it is claimed.  retracted his statement. More

                                                      Women as Capable as Men Proves TV Show
                                                      Story:  Photo: Channel 4
                                                           our women competed in   units in the British military was
                                                           the final episode of SAS:  lifted by the then Prime Minister
                                                      FWho Dares Wins for the      David Cameron back in 2016.
                                                      first time in the programme's
                                                      history.                     The RAF was the first of the three
                                                                                   services to open up all roles to
                                                      It comes after the Ministry of  women giving them permission
                                                      Defence (MOD) announced all  to join the RAF Regiment, the air
                                                      roles in the Armed Forces,   force’s ground fighting force for
                                                      including the special forces, are  protecting air bases.
                                                      open to women.  A ban on
                                                      women serving in close combat  Read more here...

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