Page 9 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:53
P. 9


         Former Paratroopers Become Oldest Pair To Row Atlantic Ocean

             wo former        "I'm glad it has ended -
             paratroopers     I can't say the whole
         Thave become the     thing was enjoyable,
         oldest pair to row   the longevity of the
         across the Atlantic  whole event was rather
         Ocean, with a        difficult to take on  but
         combined age of 123.  we've learnt so much
                              and the experience is
         Neil Young and Peter  something that will
         Ketley, known as the  stay with us forever."
         'Grandads of the
         Atlantic', rowed the  The pair faced some
         3,000-mile journey   difficulties early on in
         from La Gomera to    the race that slowed
         Antigua in 63 days, 40  their progress.
         minutes and six
         seconds.             "We had a lot of
                              technical issues and
         Mr Young and Mr      we had some
         Ketley met during their  breakages, the rowing
         time in the Parachute  seat ball bearings  in the numbers you  three times, (it was)  nothing but "10 ships"
         Regiment and have    were all over the    want it to go on and it  fantastic seeing them  over the course of 63
         remained friends for  place, we lost various  helps steer the boat.  coming under the  days.
         40 years. They had no  nuts off the seat, we                   boat, turning over and
         rowing experience    had a broken oar in a  "We went without that  showing their bellies!"   The Talisker Whiskey
         before taking on the  massive wave that hit  for 28 days so we've                   Atlantic Challenge had
         challenge.           the boat," Mr Young  had plenty of technical  Mr Young described  a large military
                              explained.           issues to deal with.  pulling into the finish  presence with 19 of
         Speaking to Forces                                             line at Nelson's     the race's rowers
         News after completing  "We were also without  "But lots of good parts  Dockyard English  either veterans or
         the race, Mr Ketley  the autohelm that    of the rowing as well,  Harbour in Antigua as  serving personnel.
         said: "It was absolutely  effectively helps steer  we enjoyed seeing the  "the most surreal
         wonderful.           the boat - you punch  whales that we saw  place" after seeing  Read more here...

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