Page 8 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:53
P. 8


           SBT NEWS                                March Edition         

         Tributes paid to Royal Navy Leading Hand who died at HMS Drake

         Story: Plymouth Herald  Photo: Royal Navy
                                                   Block at HMS Drake   reports.             words, whether in
                                                   on January 6. The                         HMS Cornwall in the
                                                   inquest heard how his  At his funeral at St  Persian Gulf or on
                                                   wife had become      Nicholas' Church a   operations with HMS
                                                   concerned after not  eulogy was read out,  Portland in the North
                                                   hearing from him and  touching on his life in  Atlantic or standing
                                                   alerted a friend who  the Royal Navy and  guard at the main gate
                                                   went in search of the  the thoughts of his  in Plymouth.
                                                   44-year-old.         friends and
                                                                        colleagues.          "He was a fine sailor
                                                   Sadly, he was found in                    and ‘Gunner’. More
                                                   the en-suite shower  "He was a straight-  than that he was a fine
                                                   room of his          forward, hard-working  man. A man who put
              n inquest has   accommodation at     accommodation. His   ‘matelot’, calm under  others first; a man who
              been opened     HMS Drake last month.  death was not being  pressure and ever  wanted to better
         Aand adjourned                            treated as suspicious  ready to step-up and  himself; a man who
         into the unexpected  Simon Jeffers, of    by police and inquiries  take charge of his  loved his family deeply
         death of a Royal Navy  Hillcrest Close,   are ongoing to       fellow sailors. Many a  and wanted to make
         Leading Hand who     Plymouth died in his  determine the cause,  young Able Seaman  them proud."
         died at his          room at the Cornwall  pending toxicology  benefited from his wise  Read more here...

         RAF reveals when Tornado farewell flypast will take place                 Royal Navy Appoints New
         Story: Staffordshire Live  Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto                Senior Officers
             he RAF has revealed  It was previously revealed  The RAF said each of the
             further details on  that one of the locations  points on the Tornado's     number of    Nicholas Hine is to
         Twhen fans of the       the jet would be visiting on  final farewell journey had  new senior  be promoted to
         iconic Tornado warplane  its final flypast, between  some sort of special signifi-  Aofficials have  Vice Admiral and
         can see it on its farewell  Tuesday, February 19 and  cance to the life of the war-  been appointed by  Second Sea Lord,
         flypast, taking place to  Thursday, February 21,  plane.                  the Royal Navy.   while Vice Admiral
         mark its retirement after 40  would be the National                                         Ben Key is set to
         years of service.       Memorial Arboretum       In a Facebook post, a    The Navy has con-  become Chief of
                                                          spokesperson for RAF     firmed that Vice  Joint Operations.
                                                          Marham said: "After careful  Admiral Tony
                                                          consideration of a number  Radakin will    Vice Admiral Key
                                                          of factors, the flypast route  become the First  will become only
                                                          has been set to incorpo-  Sea Lord, the most  the third sailor to
                                                          rate as many locations in  senior naval posi-  hold the post of
                                                          the UK as possible that  tion.             Chief of Joint
                                                          have had a link to the                     Operations at
                                                          Tornado GR Force over the  He will take over  Northwood head-
                                                          years.                   later this year when  quarters when
                                                                                   current First Sea  takes over next
                                                          To read more and to find  Lord Admiral Philip  month.
                                                          out where you can see the  Jones retires.
                                                          final Tornado flypasts click               Read more on this
                                                          on this link.            Rear Admiral      story here...

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