Page 6 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:53
P. 6
SBT NEWS March Edition
British Special Forces ‘Over- Royal Navy Respond To 'Foolish'
Stretched’ As Recruiting Falls
Spanish Warship In Gibraltar
Story: The Mirror
ritain’s elite special forces are
200 soldiers short after
B recruitment plunged 20 per cent.
The lack of “good quality” soldiers has
hit the SAS, SBS and SRR, the Special
Reconnaissance Regiment.
Hardest hit is the Special Boat Service,
down in numbers by around 100. The
SRR needs 60 and the celebrated
Special Air Service – motto Who Dares
Wins – is 40 light. Each unit normally
has 340 to 400 soldiers.
Senior defence sources say the SBS
and SRR are now classed as being
“over-stretched” with troops deployed Photo: MOD Story:
in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Baltic States
and Africa. he Royal Navy has boats were deployed in Nations Convention on
responded to a response to the incident the Law of the Sea.
The shortage is being linked to cuts TSpanish warship which was branded as
and a recruitment and retention crisis with its guns manned "foolish" by a spokesman "It seems there are still
affecting the rest of the armed forces. after it ordered commer- for Her Majesty's some in the Spanish
cial ships to leave British Government of Gibraltar. Navy who think they can
The Army is down in size from around Gibraltar waters on flout international law.
150,000 in 1990 to 78,000. Despite that Sunday, the territory's The spokesman said:
reduction, the SAS and the SBS have government said. "There is only nuisance
remained the same size. value to these foolish The Gibraltar government
The warship's crew can games being played by accused the warship of
A military source said: “The talent pool be heard in an audio those who don't accept trying to take "executive
is shrinking. A lot of guys who built up recording of a radio unimpeachable British action" against the com-
experience in Iraq and Afghanistan and exchange telling vessels sovereignty over the mercial boats, which were
who would often see the special forces anchored at the Rock to waters around Gibraltar anchored on the eastern
as the next step have left.
"leave Spanish territorial as recognised by the side of the Rock.
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waters". Royal Navy whole world in the United Read more here...
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