Page 4 - Marist_Prospectus
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operator to control DVD, video, The Arts Hub is home to the
or live television feeds as well Art Department and the Fashion
as sound and lighting for a and Textiles Department.
true cinematic experience. The It features open, light-filled
seating is equipped with flip out spaces providing a modern,
desks to allow students to take contemporary work space
notes during lectures and film for Arts students. The wide
review sessions. open spaces allow students to
comfortably work on large pieces
The Conway Hall is home to
our Performing Arts Studio, of art. Textile & fashion students
theatrical stage and drama have a great space to layout
learning spaces. Conway Hall their materials and fabrics for
comfortably seats an audience contemporary fashion design.
of 120, making it an ideal
venue for the intimate theatre The Cradle Coast
experience. The sprung stage Trade Training Centre
floor is also ideal for dance, and – Cloud 9 facility supports
students also benefit from the industry standard training for
mirrored wall which provides students in our region through
visual feedback on performance a purpose built commercial
and technique. Conway Hall is kitchen and bakery, café,
equipped with in-house, state-of- restaurant, reception area and
the-art theatrical lighting, sound office. VET is an integral part
rigs and audio-visual projectors. of vocational learning and
the College is committed to
Dressing room facilities can
Our Location accommodate a cast of 25. providing all students with the
high quality education necessary
Conway Hall is used for music
and dance productions as well as
school education.
many theatrical productions. to complete their secondary
The College sits on 17 hectares within central Burnie on Tasmania’s
North-West Coast which boasts spectacular Bass Strait views.
Students enjoy beautifully The Middle Years Centre, is utilised by our students
manicured sports grounds that Chanel and McAuley, and for sports teams from the
include, two Australian Rules accommodates Year 7 and 8 wider community. It is built to
football grounds, two soccer and is cutting-edge educational Olympic standard for a number
fields, outdoor cricket nets, an design. This area has been of sports and students use the
artificial turf cricket pitch, long developed to provide an area facilities for Health and
jump pits and concrete turning where students can develop Physical Education, Sports
circles for discus and shot put, relationships and take Science and Athlete
an all-weather outdoor surface ownership of their educational Development as well as
for PE classes. pathway. Light, airy classrooms competitive sport. With seating
are placed around a central for 900, the Harcombe Centre
The College Master atrium. Quiet study areas, is also used as the College
Plan includes a building a discovery centre and assembly space and by the wider
development program to collaborative learning spaces are community for large functions
refurbish all classrooms in the incorporated into the flexible and events.
College to reflect the needs learning areas. The Colin Th eatre has
of learners today to access The Harcombe Centre tiered seating for 138 people
technology and to work features dual playing courts, and serves as the College’s main
co-operatively in vibrant classrooms and a modern audio-visual complex for
and engaging work spaces. equipped gymnasium. The viewing audio/visuals and
magnificent sports stadium listening to guest speakers. The
control console allows the
2 Striving for excellence Learning for life 3