Page 7 - Marist_Prospectus
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Catholic Identity and Mission  Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

 Building on the mission of our founding   Marist Regional College has an exceptional record for its’ pastoral care

 Charisms, The Marist Fathers and the   of our student community.  From enrolment, we work tirelessly to
 Sisters of Mercy, we strive to be models of   ensure that each child is known, safe and valued, so that they are able
 what it is to be Christian in a contemporary   to thrive within our College community.

 society centred in the tradition of a
 Catholic Community.    A structured Pastoral Care   There is a structured Social and   Within the Pastoral Care
               Program provides each student   Emotional Learning Curriculum   Program, the College aims to
               with the care necessary to help   which is delivered across the   promote empathy, understanding,
 We do this by ensuring;  them to develop their sense of   six years that the students are   responsibility and accountability,
                                              enrolled at the College, which is
               belonging, grow in self-esteem
                                                                              for the student body and the
               and develop their talents in the   age appropriate and responsive   broader College community.
 • Education takes place in a lively and vivid  Marist Regional College as a Catholic School   service of others.    to the needs of the student   We endeavour to instil the
 community inspired by the spirit of love.  in a post-modern, multi-cultural Australia   cohort and the community.     understanding of the reciprocity
 has the unique opportunity of enriching the   As a College community, we   There are a wide variety of   of community, where everyone
 • We seek to love God and our neighbors, both  lives of all who are part of that school, be they   embrace diversity and always   opportunities for students to be   understands, for community
 near and far.  This inspires us to be caring,  students, staff, families or the wider school   seek to challenge injustice and   involved in leadership, including   to exist and thrive, it relies on
 compassionate and outreaching to those within  community.  Our Catholic Identity is not   take responsibility for our own   Peer Leaders, Class Captains,   everyone contributing, both
 and beyond our immediate school community as  something that is one aspect of who we are,   actions as a community and as   Ministry Programs and Student   giving and taking.
 compelled by scripture.  it is imbued in everything we do as a school,   individuals.  Representative Council. All   The College prides itself on those

 • The education offered is person-centered,  and it forms our identity.  Students have an   The College has both a Year   students are encouraged to show   young people graduating from
                                              leadership, in the way that they
 promoting a true sense of dignity, self-esteem,  opportunity to take part in a wide variety of   Level structure and a Vertical   approach school life.   the College at the end of Year
 integrity and the development of each human  curricular and extra curricular programs such   House structure that help build   12, not just for their academic or
 being to their potential, in the knowledge that  as Retreats, Community Service, Leadership   our Pastoral Care approach.    There are a wide range of policies   cultural achievement, but also for
 each of us are a unique gift from God.  Formation, Social Justice Groups and so   Each student is supported by a   and practices in place that further   the well-rounded young people,
 much more.    Pastoral Care leader, in their Year   support student wellbeing and   who go on to become exceptional
 • The community is anchored in the Gospel values  Level, and also by a Year Level   student responsibility.  All of   leaders of our community, both
 of respect for all human life, love, community,  Our Catholic Identity is inclusive and   Co-ordinator.  These significant   these are available on the College   near and far, with a true sense of
 mercy, justice and a commitment to work for an  welcoming of all, regardless of their faith   adults, along with the subject   website.   The College also   self and service to others.
 ever enlightened future for all.  belief and perspective.  Our goal is to    teachers, are charged with the   benefits from having a very strong
 ensure each and every child   holistic well-being of each child.  Counselling Team, with access
 • The highest quality, holistic education is offered,  understand that they are   to psychology services, as well as
 one which recognises the unique talents, abilities  fearfully and wonderfully   The Pastoral Care Program at the   general counselling, on site at the
 and pursuits of all individuals so they can develop  made and are a unique   College is overseen by our Deputy   College each day.
 to their full individual potential.  gift to the world.  Principal, Pastoral Wellbeing.

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