P. 31

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 15 November 2018

            BTS's agency apologizes over band member's A-bomb shirt

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                                                    Before its division into North
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  South  Korea  after  the
            SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)                                                                                          liberation, the Korean Pen-
            —  The  agency  for  K-pop                                                                                          insula  was  colonized  by
            superstars  BTS  apologized                                                                                         Japan  in  1910-1945.  Many
            Wednesday  for  members                                                                                             in  both  Koreas  still  harbor
            wearing  a  T-shirt  depicting                                                                                      strong  resentment  of  the
            the  explosion  of  an  atom-                                                                                       Japanese  colonial  mas-
            ic bomb and a hat with a                                                                                            ters. But in South Korea, it's
            Nazi emblem.                                                                                                        extremely  rare  for  anyone
            Japanese  TV  broadcast-                                                                                            to  publicly  celebrate  the
            ers  recently  canceled  or                                                                                         atomic bombings.
            stopped discussing possible                                                                                         The  bombings  killed  more
            appearances by the band                                                                                             than 200,000 people in Ja-
            in  that  country  after  im-                                                                                       pan.  Many  Koreans  were
            ages spread on social me-                                                                                           living in Japan at the time,
            dia of a singer wearing the                                                                                         including   laborers   who
            shirt. The South Korean boy                                                                                         were   forcibly   mobilized
            band  ran  into  more  trou-                                                                                        by  the  Japanese,  and  es-
            bles  after  news  broke  that                                                                                      timates  of  the  number  of
            another  member  wore  a                                                                                            Koreans killed in the bomb-
            hat featuring a Nazi symbol                                                                                         ings  range  from  20,000  to
            in a magazine photo book                                                                                            50,000.South  Korean  politi-
            and  band  members  flew     In this Dec. 2, 2016, file photo, members of South Korean K-Pop music band BTS pose for photos   cians  criticized  the  Japa-
            flags  with  what  appeared   on the red carpet of the 2016 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) in Hong Kong.            nese  broadcasters'  deci-
            to be Nazi swastikas during                                                                        Associated Press  sion to cancel BTS appear-
            a concert in the past.       discomfort due to our short-  atomic   bombing    juxta-  ed States dropped atomic  ances,  accusing  Japan  of
            "We  would  like  to  again  comings," the band's agen-   posed with the celebration  bombs  on  the  Japanese  harboring        "self-centered
            offer  our  sincerest  apolo-  cy,  Big  Hit  Entertainment,  of  Korea's  1945  liberation  cities of Hiroshima and Na-  views on history" and letting
            gies  to  anyone  who  has  said in a statement.          from  Japan  at  the  end  of  gasaki  before  Tokyo's  sur-  politics interfere with cultur-
            suffered  pain,  distress  and  The  T-shirt  portrayed  an  the  World  War  II.  The  Unit-  render.              al exchanges.q
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