P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 15 November 2018
Michelle Obama begins arena tour in talk with Oprah
By MICHAEL TARM little controversy." The cur-
Associated Press rent president said that
CHICAGO (AP) — Michelle he'd never forgive his pre-
Obama began her 12-stop decessor for making the
book tour Tuesday by sitting country "very unsafe."
with Oprah Winfrey before When Winfrey, who se-
an audience at the home lected "Becoming" for her
arena of the Chicago Bulls, influential book club , in-
speaking on everything troduced Obama she re-
from piano lessons and ferred to the divisive po-
washing socks to crying on litical climate, also without
a plane the day her fam- directly naming Trump.
ily moved out of the White "So many people are feel-
House and President Don- ing uneasy... afraid of the
ald Trump moved in. impending darkness," Win-
The crowd of 14,000 roared frey told the audience. "But
as the former first lady you all being here tonight is
stepped onto a stage at a testament to the light."
the sold-out United Cen- "Becoming" describes
ter event, which felt part Obama's upbringing on
talk show, part political Chicago's South Side and
rally and part rock concert, her transition to college at
complete with $35 Michele Princeton University.
Obama T-shirts embla- As she does in her book, she
zoned with her face and Michelle Obama, right, is greeted by Oprah Winfrey to discusses her new book during an recounted Tuesday being
intimate conversation to promote "Becoming" at the United Center on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018, in
the title of her just-released Chicago. raised in a family that strug-
memoir, "Becoming." Family Associated Press gled economically — but
pictures of Barack Obama with parents who encour-
and their children flashed guration Day 2017, she ex- "I said to Barack, 'That was less innuendos" about her aged her to be successful.
on a screen over her shoul- plained, had nothing to do so hard, what we just did. husband's birth certificate When she was a child, she
der as she spoke. with Trump. That was so hard." She said stirred people up and put said her dad would com-
During the more than "When I got on the plane, I she didn't mention that epi- "my family's safety at risk." plain to her mother that she
90-minute conversation sobbed for 30 minutes," she sode in her book. And for this," she adds, "I'd wasn't teaching her chil-
under Bulls' NBA champion- said. "I think it was just the She didn't criticize Trump di- never forgive him." dren how to wash socks,
ship banners in Obama's release of eight years trying rectly at the event despite Trump responded last because he had had so
home city, she never di- to do everything perfectly." direct criticism of him in her week, saying Michelle few socks growing up that
rectly criticized Trump. Obama turned to her hus- book. Obama "got paid a lot of he had to wash them and
Crying on the plane leav- band, who had just be- She writes in "Becoming" money" to write that book dry them on a radiator
ing Washington on Inau- come a former president. that Trump's "loud and reck- and they always expect a himself.q
Glamour magazine honors Teigen, Monae, Gonzalez and Raisman
By GARY GERARD HAMIL- as Chrissy Teigen, Janelle
TON Monae, Emma Gonza-
Associated Press lez and Aly Raisman, as
NEW YORK CITY (AP) — well as presenters such as
Powerful and influential Claire Danes, John Leg-
women from all walks of life end, Lupita Nyong'o and
smiled and hugged at the Padma Lakshmi. MJ Ro-
2018 Glamour Women of driguez, who presented
the Year Awards on Mon- Monae's award, said be-
day, but the devastating ing around so many strong
wildfires on the other side women was encouraging.
of the country were on a "I get to be around women
lot of minds. who have implemented so
Actress Alicia Silverstone much change in the world,
had first-hand knowledge not only through their art,
of how devastating the but through their works,
fires are. "I know a lot of their action," Rodriqguez
people who were affected said. "So, to be around
and evacuated and some strong women like that, it
are still holding ground makes me feel like I'm do-
and not leaving. It's really ing something right."
bad," she said. Student activists Emma Gonzalez, left, Jaclyn Corin, Edna Chavez, Naomi Wadler and Sam Another woman getting
Fuentes attend the Glamour Women of the Year Awards at Spring Studios on Monday, Nov. 12,
"This is happening because 2018, in New York. high praise, although not
we have a problem: glob- Associated Press in attendance, was former
al warming, and we must first lady Michelle Obama.
address it. We've been have been talking about dow where we can make ing "game changers, rule Monae said she can't wait
talking about this for a very this for a very long time. change so must do it." breakers and trailblazers" to read her new memoir,
long time. Brilliant scientists We have a very short win- The awards — celebrat- — included honorees such "Becoming."q