P. 32

               Thursday 15 November 2018
             Amazon HQ favorites: Similar basics, different vibes

            By JENNIFER PELTZ                                                                                                   than in any other New York
            MATTHEW BARAKAT                                                                                                     City  neighborhood,  ac-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    cording to the city Planning
            NEW YORK (AP) — The com-                                                                                            Department  .  Thousands
            munities said to be favored                                                                                         more units are in the works.
            to  become  homes  to  a                                                                                            New  York  has  striven  for
            pair of big, new East Coast                                                                                         nearly  a  decade  to  posi-
            bases for Amazon are both                                                                                           tion itself as a tech hotspot.
            riverfront  stretches  of  ma-                                                                                      Venture  capitalists  poured
            jor metropolitan areas with                                                                                         $5.8  billion  into  New  York-
            ample  transportation  and                                                                                          area  startups  last  quarter,
            space for workers.                                                                                                  more than any other region
            But there are plenty of dif-                                                                                        except  the  San  Francisco
            ferences  between  New                                                                                              area,  according  to  the
            York's Long Island City and                                                                                         consulting and accounting
            Crystal City in northern Vir-                                                                                       firm PwC . Established tech
            ginia.                                                                                                              giants,  including  Google
            Set  within  eyeshot  of  the                                                                                       and Facebook, have been
            nation's capital, Crystal City                                                                                      expanding  their  New  York
            is a thicket of 1980s-era of-                                                                                       footprints.
            fice  towers  trying  to  plug                                                                                      Still,  landing  HQ2  would
            into new economic energy                                                                                            represent  "incredible  vali-
            after  thousands  of  federal   In this Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018, photo, traffic moves along 44th Drive in Long Island City,   dation of just how far New
            jobs moved elsewhere.        Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018, in the Queens borough of New York.                            York has come," says Jona-
            Rapidly  growing  Long  Is-                                                                       Associated Press  than  Bowles,  executive  di-
            land  City  is  an  old  manu-  nership,  a  neighborhood  this,  but  HQ2  has  to  work  the  MoMA  PS1  museum.   rector of the Center for an
            facturing area already be-   development group.           for  Queens  and  the  peo-  Silvercup  Studios  —  where   Urban Future think tank.
            ing reinvented as a hub for   But  Long  Island  City  also  ple of Queens. It can't just  such TV shows as "Sex and   Waiting for a subway, Long
            21st-century  industry,  cre-  has  been  straining  to  han-  be good for Amazon," says  the  City,"  ''30  Rock"  and   Island   City   community
            ativity and urbane living.   dle its growth.              van Bramer, a Democrat.      "The  Sopranos"  have  been   board chairwoman Denise
            Seattle-based     Amazon,    Days  before  the  potential  Once  a  bustling  factory  filmed — opened in 1983.     Keehan-Smith  could  envi-
            which  set  out  last  year   Amazon  news  emerged,  and  freight-moving  area,  Long  Island  City  gained  a     sion Amazon benefiting the
            to  situate  one  additional   the city announced a $180  Long Island City saw many  new  commercial  stature,      neighborhood.
            headquarters but now may     million  plan  to  address  of its plants and warehous-   and the start of a high-rise   "But  I  think  we  have  to  be
            reportedly  open  two,  has   Long  Island  City's  packed  es closed as manufacturing  skyline,  when  the  bank-  careful about it," she said.
            declined  to  comment  on    schools, street design and a  shriveled in New York City.  ing  giant  now  called  Citi   CRYSTAL CITY
            its plans. But people familiar   sewage system that groans  The   neighborhood's   re-  opened  an  office  tower   If  any  place  in  America
            with the talks said this week   in  heavy  rain.    But  those  birth  began  in  the  1980s,  there in 1989. But the area's   can  absorb  25,000  Ama-
            that  Long  Island  City  and   projects  will  just  catch  up  when  officials  broached  growth  lately  has  been   zon jobs without disruption,
            Crystal City have emerged    with  current  needs,  says  redeveloping  a  swath  of  driven  by  residential  build-  it may well be Crystal City,
            as  front  runners  for  the   area City Councilman Jim-  the waterfront, while artists  ing.                       Virginia,  where  nearly  that
            "HQ2"  project  and  its  total   my van Bramer.          were drawn by warehouse  Some  9,150  new  apart-         many  jobs  have  vanished
            of 50,000 jobs.              "I know that there are a lot  spaces,  affordable  rents  ments  and  homes  have      over the last 15 years.
            A look at two communities    of people cheerleading for  and a building that is now  been built since 2010, more    The  neighborhood  in  Ar-
            said to be at the top of Am-                                                                                        lington County is bounded
            azon's list.                                                                                                        by the Potomac River and
            LONG ISLAND CITY                                                                                                    the nation's capital on one
            It's  already  the  fastest-de-                                                                                     side,  by  the  Pentagon  on
            veloping  neighborhood  in                                                                                          another  and  Reagan  Na-
            the nation's most populous                                                                                          tional Airport on a third.
            city,  and  Amazon  could                                                                                           Despite  its  prime  location
            pump up the volume in this                                                                                          and  abundant  transporta-
            buzzy part of Queens.                                                                                               tion  options,  the  neighbor-
            If  chosen,  the  neighbor-                                                                                         hood  has  been  hit  by  a
            hood stands to burnish New                                                                                          massive outflow of jobs.
            York  City's  reputation  as  a                                                                                     The Patent and Trademark
            tech  capital.  Landing  Am-                                                                                        Office began moving more
            azon  would  also  cement                                                                                           than 7,000 jobs out of Crys-
            Long  Island  City's  transfor-                                                                                     tal City in 2003. In 2005, the
            mation from a faded manu-                                                                                           Defense  Department  an-
            facturing zone to a vibrant,                                                                                        nounced  plans  to  move
            of-the-moment      enclave                                                                                          roughly  17,000  jobs  else-
            of  waterfront  skyscrapers,                                                                                        where as part of a base re-
            modernized     warehouses                                                                                           alignment.
            and  artsy-tech  ambience                                                                                           Arlington   County     has
            across  the  East  River  from                                                                                      worked  hard  to  bring  in
            midtown Manhattan.                                                                                                  new  employers,  and  had
            "I  joke  that  we're  experi-                                                                                      some success.
            encing explosive growth 30   In this Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018, photo, the Long Island City waterfront and skyline are shown in   The  Public  Broadcasting
            years  in  the  making,"  says   the Queens borough of New York. One of the areas that Amazon is considering for a headquarters   Service  moved  its  head-
                                         is Long Island City.
            Elizabeth  Lusskin,  president                                                                     Associated Press  quarters  to  Crystal  City  in
            of the Long Island City Part-                                                                                       2006.q
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