P. 27
CLASSIFIED Thursday 15 November 2018
The latest in bling: Selfie with a lion cub 527 4000
and a sport car Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
Costa Linda Beach Resort
in the last six months be- 2 br WK 43 room # 2010 DOCTOR ON DUTY
cause they are copying ocean view $ 8500 Oranjestad
those guys.” Paradise beach villas Dr. v. Ool Tel. 588 2226
Not just to France. Another 1 br WK # 45 room # 304
lion cub is adjusting to life 1 br WK # 47 room # 214 San Nicolas
in a Dutch big cat center Garden view $ 4500 each Dr. De Cuba Tel. 584 1984
Women in Difficulties
after a jogger ran into it last Call :630-1307 PHARMACY ON DUTY
month in a cage dumped
in a field in the central Oranjestad:
Central Tel. 585 8077
Netherlands. Tropicana Resorts San Nicolas
The NGO is suing the driver 2 br WK 45 and 46 room # San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
of the sports car, who was 1566 Women in Difficulties
taken into custody after Grond Floor right by the pool OTHER
police found the cub. Paris $7500 each Dental Clinic 587 9850
police confirmed the find divi village Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
and the arrest. studio WK # 47 and 48 room Mobility Equip . Gire
Sports cars are often of- #7201 568 5165
This photo provided Wednesday Nov.14, 2018 by Fondation fered for hire on the 30 weeks remain $6500 each Urgent Care 586 0448
Women in Difficulties
30 Millions d’Amis (30 Million Friends Foundation) shows a lion Champs-Elysees, for tourists EMERGENCY
cub found by police in a Lamborghini on Paris’ famed Champs- to take short, high-adren- Call:630-1307
Elysees avenue, Monday, Nov. 12, 2018 in Paris. Police 100
Associated Press aline rides on the famous Marriott Ocean Club Oranjestad 527 3140
avenue and surrounding 1 br Gold ocean view $4500 Noord 527 3200
By JOHN LEICESTER NGO now caring for it. streets.q 2 br Gold ocean view $7500 Sta. Cruz 527 2900
Associated Press “There are hundreds of ba- 2 br Gold ocean Front $14,000 San Nicolas 584 5000
PARIS (AP) — When Paris bies going around like this TIMESHARES Call:630-1307 Police Tipline 11141
police officers found a lion illegally,” the group’s presi- Divi 11/17-12/15 Studios Ambulancia
cub in a Lamborghini dur- dent, Reha Hutin, said in an rent $725 1br $795 week 50 Fire Dept. 115
ing a traffic stop this week, Associated Press interview studio divi Golf 12/15 rent Marriott Surf Club Red Cross 582 2219
they exposed the tip of Wednesday. “You can buy $735 sale $3250 and week 44 2 br Gold Garden view $5000 TAXI SERVICES
what animal campaigners a cub for less than a dog. studio 11/2 sale $2500 bo 2 br Gold ocean view $7500 Taxi Tas 587 5900
say is a bizarre and disturb- It costs 300 euros (340 dol- 3 br Gold ocean view $ 13,000 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
ing new trend: People buy- lars) and so they buy them Call:630-1307 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
ing or renting cubs to take off circuses.” _________________________________210413 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
bling-bling selfie photos of Hutin believes the fad A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Women in Difficulties
themselves with a baby spread to France from Gulf La Cabana Beach and Casino TRAVEL INFO
big cat. countries. The NGO works 1 br WK # 43 room # 222 C
The cub , named Putin but with a sanctuary in Jordan Pool/ocean view $ 4500 Aruba Airport 524 2424
known as Dadou, is less for abandoned felines. 1 br WK 47 room # 427 a American Airlines 582 2700
588 0059
than two months old and Wealthy people in the ocean view $ 4500 Aruba Airlines 583 8300
likely would have died Gulf pose with baby cubs Call:630-1307 Jet Blue 588 2244
of poor care had police and “take photographs of johnnypaesch@ Surinam 582 7896
not stopped the luxury themselves in the car,” she Venezolana 583 7674
sports car Monday on the said. “Once they grow up Divi Dutch Village Women in Difficulties
Champs-Elysees and res- they’re just thrown out,” 1 br WK # 46 room # 71 $6000 CRUISES
cued the cat, according “What’s terrible (is) it’s 14 weeks remain 6 acclerated
to 30 Million Friends, the coming to France. We’ve 2 br WK #47 room # 103
French animal protection literally saved four babies
17 Full accelerated $7500
Call:630-1307 November 15
Carnival Conquest
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own a Piece of The rock
real value real estate Women in Difficulties
No hurricanes , No humidity
33 years experience FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
Call:630-1307 Tel. 582 5051 Alcoholics Anonymous
_________________________________210410 Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
FOR SALE Tel. 583 8989
Renaissance Aruba Women in Difficulties
Week 17 unit 320 $3,000 Tel. 583 5400
Week 23 unit 326 $2,750 Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
Week 36 unit 315 $2,750 Child Abuse Prevention
Call us at 737-3006 Tel. 582 4433
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118