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               Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
            Americans love snacks. What does that mean for their health?

            By CANDICE CHOI                                                                                                     “Who  knows  how  much
            AP Food & Health Writer                                                                                             food is a Band-Aid for those
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Ameri-                                                                                          issues,” Egan said.
            cans  are  addicted  to                                                                                             For their part, food compa-
            snacks,  and  food  experts                                                                                         nies  have  moved  to  capi-
            are paying closer attention                                                                                         talize  on  Americans’  love
            to  what  that  might  mean                                                                                         of  snacks  and  stretched
            for health and obesity.                                                                                             the  definition  of  the  word.
            Eating  habits  in  the  U.S.                                                                                       Dunkin Donuts’ former CEO
            have  changed  significant-                                                                                         has  said  the  chain’s  sand-
            ly  in  recent  decades,  and                                                                                       wiches  should  be  consid-
            packaged bars, chips and                                                                                            ered  snacks,  not  lunch.
            sweets  have  spread  into                                                                                          When  Hershey  bought  a
            every  corner  of  life.  In  the                                                                                   meat  jerky  company,  the
            late  1970s,  about  40  per-                                                                                       candy  company  said  it
            cent  of  American  adults                                                                                          wanted  to  expand  its  of-
            said  they  didn’t  have  any                                                                                       ferings  across  the  “snack-
            snacks  during  the  day.  By                                                                                       ing continuum “ to include
            2007, that figure was just 10                                                                                       more nutritious options.
            percent.                                                                                                            Health experts’ recommen-
            To get a better handle on                                                                                           dations  on  snacking  vary.
            the implications of differing                                                                                       Children  may  need  more
            eating patterns, U.S. health                                                                                        snacks and to eat more fre-
            officials  are  reviewing  sci-  This Saturday, Sept. 7, 2019 photo shows items in a vending machine in New York.   quently.  For  adults,  many
            entific  research  on  how                                                                         Associated Press  dietitians saying what works
            eating  frequency  affects  more accessible. It also has   sugary  snacks  like  cakes  Beyond nutrition, health of-  for  one  person  might  not
            health,  including  weight  become more socially ac-      and cookies account for 12  ficials  should  also  consider  for another.
            gain and obesity. The anal-  ceptable  to  snack  more    percent, the study said.     what  emotional  or  mental  Hunnes, the UCLA dietitian,
            ysis  is  intended  to  gauge  places:  at  work  meetings   Complicating    matters,  health  benefits  might  be  recommends  sticking  to
            the  broader  spectrum  of  and  while  walking,  driving   snack options are also con-  lost  when  people  move  minimally  processed  op-
            possibilities,  including  fast-  or shopping for clothes.  tinuing to broaden beyond  away  from  meals,  said  tions like fruit or nuts when
            ing.  But  snacking,  grazing  “We  live  in  a  24/7  food   the  standard  chips  and  Sophie  Egan,  who  writes  snacking. But she acknowl-
            and “mini meals” are likely  culture  now,”  said  Dana   cookies.                     about  American  food  cul-  edged  the  advice  could
            to  be  among  the  factors  Hunnes, a senior dietitian at   “Manufacturers  have  tried  ture. Meals can be a time  sound like it’s coming from
            considered,   given   how  UCLA Medical Center.           to tap into Americans’ con-  for  socially  connectivity,  an  ivory  tower,  given  the
            they  have  upended  the  To       encourage     better   cern for health,” said Paula  she  said,  while  snacks  are  prevalence  of  packaged
            three-meals-a-day model.     choices  as  global  obesity   Johnson,  curator  of  food  usually  eaten  alone.  She  snacks.
            Findings  could  potentially  rates  climb,  public  health   history at the National Mu-  also  noted  the  growth  in  “They’re  just  there,  and
            be  reflected  in  the  gov-  officials  have  increasingly   seum of American History in  snacking may be fueled by  they  have  a  great  shelf
            ernment’s    updated    di-  considered government in-    Washington, D.C.             the stress of busier lives.  life,” she said.q
            etary guidelines next year,  terventions, including “junk
            though  any  definitive  rec-  food” taxes.
            ommendations  are  unlike-   In   Mexico,   which   has     Experts say adapting to climate
            ly.                          among the highest obesity
            For  public  health  officials,  rates  in  the  world,  special   change can pay off manifold
            part of the challenge is that  taxes on sugary drinks and
            snacking  is  a  broad  term  other foods including some
            that can mean a 100-calo-    snacks  and  candies  went     BERLIN (AP) — A group of leaders from  mangrove forests that provide key pro-
            rie  apple  or  a  500-calorie  into effect in 2014.        business,  politics  and  science  called  tection to vulnerable shorelines in devel-
            Frappuccino.  How  people  Last  week,  a  study  in  the   Monday  for  a  massive  investment  in  oping nations.
            adjust  what  they  eat  the  medical  journal  BMJ  said   adapting  to  climate  change  over  the  Ban cited Bangladesh’s response to two
            rest of the day also varies.  taxing  sugary  snacks  in    next decade, arguing it would reap sig-  devastating  cyclones  as  a  good  ex-
            Snacks  may  help  reduce  the United Kingdom could         nificant returns as countries avoid cata-  ample of the way countries can adapt
            hunger  and  overeating  at  have  a  bigger  impact  on    strophic  losses  and  boost  their  econo-  to  environmental  threats.  Following
            meals,  but  they  can  also  obesity  rates  than  a  tax   mies.                                   the  deaths  of  hundreds  of  thousands
            just push up the total calo-  on sugary drinks that went    The Global Commission on Adaptation,  of  people  in  1970  and  1991,  the  South
            ries someone consumes.       into  effect  last  year.  While   comprising dozens of prominent figures  Asian nation reinforced flood defenses,
            While    there’s   nothing  sugary drinks account for 2     including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates  built  shelters  and  trained  volunteers,
            wrong  with  snacks  per  se,  percent  of  average  calo-  and  former  U.N.  chief  Ban  Ki-moon,  sharply  cutting  the  death  toll  in  subse-
            they  have  become  much  ries in the United Kingdom,       urged  governments  and  businesses  to  quent storms.
                                                                        tackle  the  inevitable  consequences  of  The commission also pointed to places
                                                                        climate change, in addition to trying to  such  as  the  Netherlands  and  London,
                                                                        curb it.                                 where  protection  measures  have  al-
                                                                        In their 81-page report, the experts pro-  lowed  valuable  land  to  be  used  that
                                                                        posed  investing  $1.8  trillion  between  would otherwise have risked flooding.
                                                                        2020  and  2030  in  areas  such  as  early  While  rich  countries  already  have  the
                                                                        warning  systems,  infrastructure  that  means to invest in such measures, poor
                                                                        can withstand rising sea levels and ex-  nations risk losing out, the group said.
                                                                        treme  weather,  and  boosting  agricul-  “If we do not act now, climate change
                                                                        ture to cope with droughts. Other areas  will  supercharge  the  global  gap  be-
                                                                        they propose investing in are bolstering  tween  the  haves  and  have-nots,”  said
                                                                        scarce  water  resources  and  improving  Ban.q
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